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[Solved] Var and Winny cycle

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Hi everyone, Good to have GrowXXL back! So, I'm new to AAS. I'm 25, 6'1", 205lbs, about 10% bf, and have been lifting for the last 5 years (which doesn't include on and off in high school). I work out 5 days a week and mountain bike on the weekends. I'm looking to gain some strength, hardness, and definition without gaining much size and was considering the following: 80mg Var ED (40 x 2, morning and evening) 50mg winny ED (25 x 2, morning and evening) 25mg Proviron ED My question is whether this is a reasonable stack in terms of dosage. I also have nolva and clomid and am unsure if I should wait to take that for PCT or if I should run it throughout. Thanks in advance for your input. -slightly stupid

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Someone is going to say it so I might as well, all oral cycles suck. Add some test in as a base. But before we even talk about drugs what is your diet like, you said your looking to gain some strength, hardness, and definition without gaining much size. This can be done just as easily with a proper diet. Your 6'1 so you can add some meat to you with something as simple as a diet change. Post your diet then maybe we can help you better

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Thanks for the response. My diet consists of chicken breasts and brown rice. I eat 4 breasts a day with a serving of rice. I have a salad at night with dinner. I also drink two (and sometimes three) protein shakes. Occassionally I'll go out for dinner and have a Steak with veggies and a sweet potato. I've thought about adding test as a base, but my thinking was that if I didn't want to gain much weight it wouldn't be necessary. If I'm wrong about that then let me know but that was just the idea I got by reading other posts both here and at elitefitness over the last couple of months. Thanks again.

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Just curious....why the proviron? Anavar or winny dont aromatise.......unless your planning on using it to nuetralise shbg? Curious

Ron Burgundy
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Imo if you want to run that go for it, the problem is you will look and feel great for however long you do it but once you come off you will have gained little if anything. The smarter way, which is our way of saying we wish we had done it this way so learn from our mistakes, would be to run 250-500mg test for at least 10 weeks with var and/or winny. When you are done you will have better net gains and be happier then if you just run the orals. Everyone has to learn on their own so do it either way and then maybe you will be posting advice to someone else that wants to do an oral only cycle.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'm trying hard not to be 'that guy' that asks a question and then thinks he knows better, so if everyone is saying use test as a base then maybe i should just listen up. I may actually wait to start then until after August because I'm starting med school then and don't know what kind of work out routine I'll have (but I WILL have one!) and if test needs to be run for at least 10 weeks then it makes no sense to start now. That was another perceived advantage I was seeing with the Winny and Var alone - that I could run them up until school started (almost 6 weeks) and that would be a good length. But I digress ... As for the Proviron question, its time for true confessions. I have no idea what SHBG is ... I tried looking it up and came up with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. The reason that I was going to take it is because from what I've heard it helps with looking dry and boosts the libido a bit. So now I have a question for you Mirt: How does Proviron neutralize SHBG and why would that be beneficial? Thanks again everyone for your help.

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I see an all oral cycle. Not ideal. Do not fear the needle. Test is good. If you are worried about water retention use prop. I don't retain much water on prop. That means you would have to shoot EOD though. I think you are right about waiting, though. Figure out whether or not a cycle is going to be worth the time and money you must invest in it. Medical school is strenuous, and it sounds like you are not sure you can put 100% into it. So just wait and see how your schedule looks, then do a real cycle.

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Posted by: @biggreene

I see an all oral cycle. Not ideal. Do not fear the needle. Test is good. If you are worried about water retention use prop. I don't retain much water on prop. That means you would have to shoot EOD though. I think you are right about waiting, though. Figure out whether or not a cycle is going to be worth the time and money you must invest in it. Medical school is strenuous, and it sounds like you are not sure you can put 100% into it. So just wait and see how your schedule looks, then do a real cycle.

I agree, however Prop for a first cycle is a lot of poking. You might want to try a single ester test such as Enanthate or cypionate.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Admin

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enanthate would be my suggestion too.

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The smarter way, which is our way of saying we wish we had done it this way so learn from our mistakes, would be to run 250-500mg test for at least 10 weeks with var and/or winny. Agreed - you will be much better off with even a low dose of test. 300mg is better than nothing - you will feel much better and get better results during and after cycle, IMO. If you don't want to run a 10 weeker, shorten your ester and go for a shorter cycle. You could do an 8-week with test prop. Get a prop brewed with EO and you can avoid the prop pain as well.

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I'm going to take your advise and wait until I get settled in at school and maybe start my cycle in September with a Test base. Still not sure which I want to run. And to Whitey, what does 'prop brewed with EO' mean? Avoiding the pain sounds like a good idea. Thanks everyone for your feedback.

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Ok so proviron is an androgenic steroid with no anabolic qualities. As for the hardening effect, proviron is an anti-e that actually prevents estrogen from forming, lower estrogen levels = less retained water. As for the shbg..... proviron has the ability to bind to it at a high rate...... by co-administering proviron with other AAS (eg test) means that they remained in an unbound/free state. This can result in greater anabolic/androgenic activity realised with lower doses.....

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Ok so proviron is an androgenic steroid with no anabolic qualities. As for the hardening effect, proviron is an anti-e that actually prevents estrogen from forming, lower estrogen levels = less retained water. As for the shbg..... proviron has the ability to bind to it at a high rate...... by co-administering proviron with other AAS (eg test) means that they remained in an unbound/free state. This can result in greater anabolic/androgenic activity realised with lower doses..... Great info this is so true.

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Posted by: @mirt

Ok so proviron is an androgenic steroid with no anabolic qualities. As for the hardening effect, proviron is an anti-e that actually prevents estrogen from forming, lower estrogen levels = less retained water. As for the shbg..... proviron has the ability to bind to it at a high rate...... by co-administering proviron with other AAS (eg test) means that they remained in an unbound/free state. This can result in greater anabolic/androgenic activity realised with lower doses.....

Thanks for the information. Good stuff.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Admin

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when ever i run orals into my cycle always take 'milk thistle'.. something to look into as if u didn't know winny oral is highly liver toxic! as for the var.. i've found articles stating it's not? i'd still run it!!

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