Anyone tried his new batch...? Accutane 20mg,not gel cap,coated ip tab,now is brown-- Seems like the prices are good when you get it in bulk. Anyone have experience with his cialis ? Peace
OK so no one?
I have used his Accutane tabs when they were yellow coated tabs and they were great. My back broke out so bad it looked like I had smallpox during my first cycle (Sust500/Deca400) so I tried his Accutane at 20mg/day during my second cycle (Sust750/Dbol) and had no problems at all. I got maybe a zit here and there on my shoulders but NOTHING like my first cycle. The stuff is real and it works. I am planning on running it with my next cycle. Sorry, no info on the Cialis because I haven't tried it. But maybe if he develops an antagonist........... 😉 j/k Doc
bump, i'm going to be using them soon too
My wife is currently using them and they are working really well. The only major side is chapped lips.
yes, ive used them fact 200 of em should pop in any day now 😀
FYI they're really harsh on the liver i had a friend take them for real and they do liver and triglyceride checks every month while on and the dosage is supposed to be about 80-120mg /day from what he told me...maybe do it high dose for 4 months no steroids and the sebaceous glands (oil producing) die then no more acne EVER...just bad to mix with AS for liver reasons IMO -T