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Trying to bulk up

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I need some good ideas on different stuff to eat while bulking, I especially am curious about these times: breakfast (i am not a big fan of breakfast foods), Post workout (i usually workout about 3-4pm), and dinner (the late meal). I think I am doing good on snacks I usually drink an ensure or boost. I am currently using creatine and NO3. My workouts are pretty intense, but I have been reading on here that I need to push my legs to more reps to get more mass so I also need something for energy. I havent drank alchohol in bout 2 weeks for fear of harming the creatine any suggestions in that area. Thanks for any help!

Eminent Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 35

Read up! There are a lot of good high calorie meals on here. Look through the diet and nutrition forum. This is covered almost hourly over there.
