Trt dosage and sche...
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Trt dosage and schedule

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kim doug
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Would like others experiences with this...

I have been on trt for maybe 3 months. Found an anti-aging specialist that seemed more than willing to put me on trt. Very responsive and accomodating. Only trouble that I see comming, is that he wants to do blood tests every 8 weeks and review. Each visit, he pushes a new (read, expensive) product that can only be bought through his office. I feel somewhat obliged to at least give it a try. At current frequency and rate, he would have me spending $5000/year plus test/adex/HCG! The 3 basics are only costing $600/year, which I consider to be quite reasonable for hg gear. The others are various HGH boosters, N.O. boosters, etc. I have let them push the initial order during the visit, but have not gone past that.

Two problems I see. One, I am not made of money. Two, I can never go an ony cycle myself on the side at this testing frequency.

I thought sure that once blood tests confirmed accurate dosing, we would go 6mo or a year between office visits. What are other member's experiences with this?


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I think you should get blood work at 8 weeks the first time... if there is a problem and an adjustment has to be made then blood work will need to be taken early again... once you are where you want then every 6 months...

First thing your GH and IGf level should be normal because your Test level is normal... and that level should be normal that high of a Test level. So you should be upfront with him on taking other products. Its a money racket for them.... Tell your normal Dr what you are on and see if he approves and that he'll do the same thing...

Or self medicate once you get your doses down... of course you'll be dealing with UG labs stuff that may not be dosed correctly,,, but when you have been on TRT long enough you'll know what dose produces the results you want... Being horny is an easy judge as long as you are in tune with yourself on how horny you should be... Don't expect crazy horny from TRT... From recent experience HCG with the Test really increases the libido and how sensitive it all feels... keep in mind that HCG with the Test can put you above normal levels... 100mg Test + 500iu HCG twice a week is a good start.. I don't see a need for other stuff... save the deca and stuff they are pushing... Then cycle 1-2 times a year... short cycles are best for your health


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

kim doug
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Yeah, I agree on the testing to get dosed correctly. I asked his assistant last visit if the tests came back normal, what the visit interval would be, that's how I found out they intended every 8 weeks, forever.

They are pushing over the counter suppliments like o-tropin, NO max, and other metagenics stuff, through their practice. They have been very attentive and helpful, so it is hard to try and shut them down on this, but the plain truth is that I am not the clientelle they are geared to. They do not accept any insurance, are not on any provider lists and if they had their way, would be selling me $250-300 a month worth of suppliments. I think their clients are very high paid executive older types that want results and are willing to pay for them. In return, this doc goes by symptoms much more than absolute test levels.

I am taking 250iu 2x a week and have been on 100mg cyp + adex. They just increased it to 125mg at my urging and low test results. I wished they had gone to 150mg...

I am seeing a new (only because they started accepting my insurance; I know him well from past) primary care guy that I intend to suggest exactly that to. Show him test results, past prescriptions, etc and see if he will laterally take on the task. This primary care general type has no products to push and is covered by insurance. That doesn't even matter much, other than his office visits (which are much less), as the test and hcg are quite reasonable buying outright with prescription. If that doesn't work and I can reliably find some black market test, I will go back to self medication with the occasional blood test to make sure of liver, prostate, etc function.

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Posted by: Visions
I think you should get blood work at 8 weeks the first time... if there is a problem and an adjustment has to be made then blood work will need to be taken early again... once you are where you want then every 6 months...

First thing your GH and IGf level should be normal because your Test level is normal...and that level should be normal that high of a Test level.So you should be upfront with him on taking other products.Its a money racket for them....Tell your normal Dr what you are on and see if he approves and that he'll do the same thing...

Or self medicate once you get your doses down...of course you'll be dealing with UG labs stuff that may not be dosed correctly,,, but when you have been on TRT long enough you'll know what dose produces the results you want...Being horny is an easy judge as long as you are in tune with yourself on how horny you should be... Don't expect crazy horny from TRT...From recent experience HCG with the Test really increases the libido and how sensitive it all feels...keep in mind that HCG with the Test can put you above normal levels...100mg Test + 500iu HCG twice a week is a good start..I don't see a need for other the Deca and stuff they are pushing...Then cycle 1-2 times a year... short cycles are best for your health

I'm also on TRT through my Endo. Wouldn't Deca be counter productive or a push at best since it suppresses normal T-Levels. I've always been under the impression that's why legit TRT Docs. don't write scripts for it. Also doesn't HCG only boost T-Levels if your Secondary Hypo., or it may be Primary I forget?
