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Tren usage

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Hello Everyone, I have only ventured into cycles that involved Test and Deca. But recently I have gotten in touch with someone that can get me Tren. The guy was saying how his buddy and him were taking shots twice a week at 350mg a pop. I don't have much experiance with Tren but to my knowledge it is best to take around 75mg ED or EOD not twice a week at such a high load. He says him and his buddy have gained very nicely from this type of shot placement, around 15lbs on average over three weeks so far. If you guys could verify whether or not this is a legit shot plan or just absurdness please do tell , thank you for ya time. (P.S. The whole everyday shot thing doesn't sound too fun ๐Ÿ™‚

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yeah you can gain doing it that way BUT doing it that way will result in dramatic fluxuations in blood concentrations which will maximize side effects. definitly if you're going to do it do it EOD or ED instead of 2x/wk. then when you are getting better results they'll be asking you for advice ๐Ÿ˜€

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Did u ask if his using tren enthanate or Hexahydrobenzyl carbonate? Maybe thats what their using so twice a week sounds fine.

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I see, I forgot about that possibilty. What is the difference between the two besides the half-life and having to take them at different interval Which of those is the longer half-life and is one water based and the other oil based. The one that has the longer half-life is it as good or potent as the shorter life tren. Thanks

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Same as acetate just that enthanate has a halflife of ~11 days and i think Hexahydrobenzyl is ~10 days(but i'm not to sure about Hexahydrobenzyl). Anyway their all the same just that longer ester dosen't require ed injection. Most would have them in oil based, seldom hear about people making them in water. Stick to oil imo. cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

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Thanks for the help guys I do appreciate it.
