Tren is some crazy shit. Gave me intense anxiety, and shortened my fuse dramatically. I took it w/ 875-1050mg/week of test and my sex drive was through the roof. Never been hornier, or more twisted in the head. In the end, that shit is like liquid gold and well worth the sides.
bullshit money3xx...are u serious? how did u score some parabolan? i thought they discontinued them about 6 yrs ago..whats up man, are u living in france or something? ur one lucky mofo bro...
Originally posted by Quiet E. bullshit money3xx...are u serious? how did u score some parabolan? i thought they discontinued them about 6 yrs ago..whats up man, are u living in france or something? ur one lucky mofo bro... In Augoust I was in Italy on vacation and there I found a contact who goes straight to the company in France, and it is still in production.As soon as I have a digital camera I will show it to you.But it is too expensive, $17 a vial!!! I know its good shit, really powerful.
I hate driving while I'm on tren. Seems you get pissed off at everyone and everything.
hahahah yeah im on tren right now and my girlfriend always aske me why i get so mad on the road.. so i tell her "its the shit i take.."
LOL bump for TREN. ha ha I have some sick psychotic thoughts.. yesterday I was doing shoulders, and I wanted to finish up with some lateral cable raises cause they cause wicked pumps for me... but anyways, these two jackasses HAD THEIR WHOLE FUCKING WORKOUT revolving around the cable machine.. I think they were only doing the cables because they are "fun"..but they did everything you could think of on the cable machine..including shadow boxing with fucking weight jerking the cables around...over the course of an started to detract from my workout cause they would just stare at theirselves while jerking around on the cables like 5 year olds... I wanted to fight both of them in the gym and ended up asking them if they were gonna be done playing anytime soon so I could finish up.. I don't know what they said, but they were mumbling shit, and I swear to God bros, I thought about it for like three hours after that..and I am a VERY easy going Tren may just be the culprit. ha ha
fuck cables i stick to basic shit.. except tris i use cables
i feel u scarecrow...some shitheads in my gym love to do a set and then jerk around with their buddies for like 5 minutes before doing another set..pisses me off when im waiting for equipment that i use the way its supposed to be used while these fuckers are there makes me more irritable when i ask them how many sets they have left and they tell me like 2 when they really mean cool scarecrow, i know sometimes u feel like pushing their faces to the back of their cool bro... Quiet E.
Quit E. ha ha yeah bro I know what you mean! ha ha and the thing is, is that probably the only day those guys are ever going to even go to the gym....they picked it to be the day when I was trying to use that equipment. LOL Today they are probably done walking around trying to be buff...and are bitching because they are so sore....and probably will "just have something that they have to they can't make it to the gym.." LOL God that pisses me off...they were even shadow boxing with the weights on the cables..I think that could be a serious injusry waiting to happen...but oh well... life goes on! ha ha
Originally posted by Quiet E. bullshit money3xx...are u serious? how did u score some parabolan? i thought they discontinued them about 6 yrs ago..whats up man, are u living in france or something? ur one lucky mofo bro... I've seen it on a couple of list lately "PRODUCT: TRENBOLONE CYCLOHEXYLMETHYLCARBONATE A.K.A Parabolan 76MG/ML"
bump it up...
bump it up...