Tren, need advice p...
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Tren, need advice please

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Current cycle:
Test E: 800 MG p/week
Tren: 75 MG ED.

I have ran this cycle plenty of times before, I love it. However, this is my first time doing tren every day. And I have to admit the sides are killing me. I haven't slept in about 3 weeks. I toss and turn all night, even with sleeping aids. And the aggressiveness is getting out of control too. Plus my body feels like a damn pin cushion. It's just too much

My question is, what would happen if I were bring the tren down to every other day as apposed to every day? ANy idea what ind of affect this would have on the body? I haven't done my shot today yet, but I'm contemplating putting it off till tomorrow because I'm runnign out of spots to shoot.

As always, any info/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Sounds like you are already rotating points, I would guess 6 at minimum.
When you used tren EOD were you pinning 150mg per shot?
If you are shooting the same total mg, regardless if it's ED or EOD the sides shlould not vary by much and if anything be slightly less ED.
Are you sure this batch is accurately dosed? Try reducing the dose and see how you feel.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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If it is ug tren, the problem is probably that it's overdosed. I'd push it back to eod without bumping it up.

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SBH :)

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Pushed it back to EOD and I'm keeping the dose at 1 ml per shot, should be about 75 mg/ml. ED day shots was just way too much. Will keep u updated see if I notice any difference. So far this cycle has been phenomenal: stayed lean, put on tons of muscle, look and feel like a champ, so hopefully dropping the dose doesn't have much of an effect

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Tren is VERY effective even at low doses.....

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good advice above, although many do more 75mg eod seems to work very well with minimal sides.


Seabiscuit Hogg
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Posted by: jboldman
good advice above, although many do more 75mg eod seems to work very well with minimal sides.


True, and he seems pretty sure it's dosed correctly. He can always push it up a little if his gains lag too much.

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SBH :)

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remember the crazy old days with tren ? everyone was scared of it, and what a chore converting pellets. some pretty exotic stuff there.


Seabiscuit Hogg
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Who knew we'd be the tren pioneers. I find myself getting excited about peptides and IGF-! like that. I'm a rookie again

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SBH :)

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Thanks everyone for the advice. I stopped doing ED shots this weekend. Friday was my last day of ED shots. So far so good, I was able to get a decent night sleep last night. It's still early, so I'll update this thread in a few day

Seabiscuit Hogg
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That's good pecman. I figured the sleep was your main issue. I've done 100 mgs ed. The strength, vascularity and look was so good I didn't want to push it back but the lack of sleep and the fact I could have won asshole of the year made me.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Agree on lower dose or eod should help some. Tren has it sides- always makes me sweat at night, slightly more irritable. Boy, I would like to get back on it. We'll see.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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I know what you mean. I want to and don't at the same time.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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damn, i'm chuckling to myself, almost laughing. holy f- bro that much Tren And i wouldn't be able to go in public. HAHAHA so, when you said edgy...i'm like WTF at the very least.

my two tren experiments were enough, but hell yeah it makes you feel like the 6-million dollar man. not the hulk because you feel dense, hard and lean on tren.

whatever it takes !!

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Posts: 455

I'm already getting leaner more vascular and stronger. Think the 'itch' has got me.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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