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Tren help please

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Hey guys, I was thinking of doing a cycle with everyday injections of ** tren (80mg/ml). I was going to do bi,tri,and delt shots with an insulin pin(1/2"), since I have noticed that FLEX, DNP Guru, and others use this size pin for their site injections. I was going to use 1cc ED. I want to gain quality muscle (it doesnt have to be 20+ lbs) without putting on too much fat. I know this is more of a function of diet, but I want to stack the tren with an oral that will aid me enough in my gains, but also not make me look like a bloated balloon. I was thinking about the same guys winny at 100mg ED. I dont have much money, so I probably could only do 1 other drug with the tren right now. I was origionally thinking about just doing some drol for 4 weeks followed by some winny for 4 weeks (real cheap to do this), but the tren just seems so appetizing. The drol bloat would bug me, but I guess it would only be for 4 weeks. Decisions, decisions. It is just so frustrating sometimes. I have done 5 cycles in the past, but they basically all consisted of test/deca/Dbol, with some other stuff occasionally thrown in but not signifigantly. Stats: 5' 10" 190, decently low bf (not sure exactly). Used to be up around 205-210 but had a very serious illness last year and am now attempting to make it back. I hope it will be easier to get there than it was last time. any help would be appreciated.

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I think dbol and tren would make a great cycle. That tren should help keep you lean. I tried the two together before and was strong as an ox. I put on some gains that pretty much stayed w/ me. Keep us updated w/ you cycle and dosage.
