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hi i am a female and i just started to weight lift but im not really interested in becoming a body builder.. i just figured since you are all women and very very knowledgable about weight lifting you can give me some advice on certain things.. i am trying to take off weight and tone up.. i am most concerned with the top half of my body.. i was wondering what i could do to firm my chest and work out my arms. my arms are flabby but only in the area near my underarm. i also am trying to work out my entire back.. to tighten it up and make it smaller.. do you have any advice for me?

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As everyone here will probably tell you, there is no such thing as "spot training". You'll need a good program to work your entire body. Everyone is different so it depends on how well you develope. Give us some stats and that will help. Are you familiar w/ anatomy? Have you been an athlete? What's your body fat %? How tall are you? How much do you weigh? Any injuries? How old are you? Overall, w/o knowing any of these things yet, I'll say you need a good begginers program possibly alternating upper and lower body weight lifting for a few weeks to a month. You'll also need to incorporate a good cardio program in with this. It's not necessary to lift heavy weight. Try more repetitions... like 15-20, and do about 3 sets for each exercise. You shouldn't ever gain mass with high repetitions, but DO fatigue your muscles. You should be pretty sore for a while each time you do a new exercise. I'm not a BB, I do swimsuit work and calendar stuff, so I'm not overly muscular, just toned. I do, however, have to fight certain areas harder than others. If you need more advice on starting out let me know. I can give you several workouts that have worked well for me.

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Good advice V.....ALso, most importantly, you need to maintain a good diet consisting of protein and "good" carbs for energy. Its hard to give any examples, as V mentioned, without the basics, height weits, Bf, etc. There are many forums here that can help you, your SEARCh key is your best friend.;) BTW, Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll find it "edutaining":)

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Hey c arrice Welcome to Anabolex.....glad you can join us.... if there's anything you can 't find please just let me know....but as Val stated some stats are usually helpful when trying to assist someone Cutie

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TRain hard and eat clean. before you know it, youll ne leam and mean......(corney) Welcome to BOLEX chica!

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BTW, what are your stats....
