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To hell with Tren

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Well, im throwing in the towel on tren from here on out. I had about 3-4 inj. left which I will spread 2 on-3 off 2-on down. Jesus this shit has taken a toll on me. Im sleeping 10 hours a night and im tired again after being awake for 3 hours. Im going hypoglysemic left and right or at least it sure as shit feels like im about to pass out.
The real reason that I am throwing in the towel on the tren is that I feel at this point it has basically rendered me a useless human being(doing more bad then good for my lifting, been fucked the rest of my life up at week 3.5). I cant really train that hard. In fact I havent trained really hard in about 11 days. Now the tren is still continung to cut fat off of me at a high rate. I reccomend to anyone who uses tren in a cutting cycle(which is what my intent was) to add Anavar for its apetite suppresent qualities
God my spelling sucks
I think that it has been my saving grace in this attempt to lean out. It has made me eat less then 2000 calories a day without a problem. Never feeling hungry or anything like that. Where as 3 weeks into tren I was eating the house down and then some. I added var at 25mg at bout the 3.5 week mark. Again amazing apetite suppresant. Well, give me 2 weeks and let me return to the gym and im gonna snap a photo as promised.

Good luck to you big cat. May you be the bigger man then me.

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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Bro, we need calories in order to be healthy, I mean some guys don't need to decrease their caloric intake too much, better off increasing cardio workouts, I mean up to 2 to 3 times per day, for 20-30 minutes each session.

Tren A is a good gear, but I think we don't need to use it at high doses, I have used 100 mg 3 times per week for 2 months and it was sweet.

You did it right, when you don't feel good, drop your weapons right away and relax.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Again, I have to say that var makes me wanna eat like a horse.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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funny, usually tren makes people stay awake and sleep like crap. i wish i were there to take a close look at what is going on, disappointing that tren did not work out. it is a hammer.


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Well, I think it was alot of factors and just a bad time to run such a harsh anabolic. I still think I can run it another time and cut it to 150-100mgs a week. I also am not doing well socially or with work so with the combination of those elements and the draining factors of tren just really killed me and I think sent me into a depression. However, like I said I think if things were going well in other parts of my life I think tren would have been easily tolerable. I think it was a poor choice to run it right now thats all.
I also think keeping my calories higher would have helped. I was trying to use it as a cutting agent but found myself eating myself out of house and home. I was already sucking at my workouts when I added the var. But I think the var killing my appetite really was the nail in the coffin. Again I think it was a sucess as I have gotten more cut without losing any size. Kick ass anabolic cant wait to give it another shot.
P.S. Killed my cardio at the end.

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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With all my respect, please don't take me wrong, why don't start doing one or two times per week some psychotherapy? It will help you a lot with your issues. Besides that, it's good anyway as it make us know ourselves better!

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

Big Cat
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did the positive effects stay with you throughout your 4 weeks though ? Leaning out any of the tren specifically ? I start in 2 days. Will keep you posted.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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On a note to the psychotherapy I agree that I problably need some(I delt with Katrina, death in the family(father)) help but i've been doing very well for a long time Ive just had a really bad month.

When you ask did the postive effects stay with me for 4 weeks I am confused. When I was taking tren in the begining no changes for 10 days then it hit at the gym. By day 15 negatives started kicking in but I was putting on lean mass. By day 25 negatives seem to have taken over but I put on about 6lbs of lean mass. However at this point I was going downhill quickly with my workouts and the var was killing my appetite. I think I lost some of the size tren put on me but I leaned out (probalbly 1% bf drop) which is really good considering it was purely the anabolic and no change in diet or training. Anyways hope this helps out

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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I had similar sleep issues towards the end of my 8 week cycle and got really bad the first week off of tren. But positve effects I went from working out once a day hard to 2-3 times a day hard and from over 15% bf to 9%. I thought maybe I got some bad test, although I wake up every morning with wood and never have lost my sex drive. Weeks 7 and 8 I felt really tired. Then the first week off I was extremely tired. I did have problems sleeping at first and my wife still says I get up in the middle of the night which I don't remeber so maybe I am not sleeping. Anyways I am almost 3 weeks into pct and feeling alot better as well as workouts are still going strong, but get a little fatigued.

Big Cat
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Thanks for the input. Its nice to have some things to compare my experiences to in the next weeks. So from what I gather you guys all got increased libido ? And just some people experience probs with sexual dysfuntion ? I was kinda hoping it would kill my libido. My fiancee hasn't been much fun since the baby was born, and the test isn't helping any

If I add in a cutting agent down the line, I fear I might do stupid things

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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i didnt experience an increased libido I just found it hard as fuck to bust a nut. Sex was prolonged so the lady was happy

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

Dutch Tank
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I just started (today) my new cycle:

1000 Test E
800 Tren E...

Hoping not to find the same sides as you bro...

Only experience with Tren ace on 150eod.. That was to weak for me... So I upped the dosage...

Big Cat
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Posts: 345

I'm on 400 a week now, and experiencing the same sides, but infrequently and they don't really bother me much. Except the occassional sleep deprivation since I don't have any time to catch up on sleep during a workweek.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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Hopefully that will stay with you. Best of luck BC

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur
