Theramax-Test. Hept...
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Theramax-Test. Heptylate

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Now that is a good question but have no idea as to why there is no wtaer ret!!!! But for the first time i did not get a moon face with test but got all the benefits!! Taz :p

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I've never used it myself but my buddy did and I can tell you for certain that at least the effects are different from enanthate. His head will turn into a beach ball on any brand enanthate. On the heptylate he retained about the same amount of water as he did on prop and had more strength than he's ever had on enanthate. He's used about every kind of test out there and he still likes it the best of any of them. If I could get my hands on some I'd grab it. Just my 2 cents.

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The latest issue of Ironman has a section on this and lists them as the same.

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Originally posted by FLEX: i think the other product they made was actually cyp i think??DB?? but mine where the 250mg/ml FLEX Hey FLEX, they make Dynabolon (nandrolone undecanoate), Testosterone Heptylate 50, 100 & 250, Testosterone Cyclo Hexane Propionate 25, 100 & 200 (not sure about that ester) and other a couple other steroids mixed with estradiol.

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heptylate = enanthate ..this fact already sestablished a while back but newbies never learn.. dont got ripped off paying 4x for same stuff ..

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Cyclo Hexane Propionate: I think it is the same as cypionate, although I am not 100% sure. The esters have so many different names for the same ester! And yes: Heptylate is the same as Enanthate 100% sure! A nice clean product!

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