The Effects of Ster...
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The Effects of Steroid Use

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I think that it depends of hpa axis profile of the person.
of course testosterone is correlated with aggression (high levels).

dr frankenstein

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 507
just taking my own experience, i have used test up to 1000mg a week and i feel mellow as can be. also i have observed a very high strung friend of mine on his first cycle of test at 500mg week actually calm down while on and he is one those guys you never go to a bar or club with. can we say BRAWL!!!!. but when i added winny to my cycle i did feel a rise in temper and aggression to the point in which i had to drop it. i guess people react to certain drugs differently, i ve seen the meekiest of guys have a few drinks and turn into raging numbnuts.

I'm mellow on test first few times I used tren I had to watch myself somewhat, now I'm quite mellow on a test/tren cycle unless something that would piss anyone off happens.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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This guy had just taken an eight-week course of Deca durabolin, an injectable anabolic steroid. He said using the drug made him feel that he had �heaps more energy.� As well, he was �crankier, more aggressive, had an increased sex drive, and felt more uptight.� He had stopped taking the drug for two months, then resumed its use for three weeks before the murder. He was said to have come from a caring family and had never used drugs previously. He was also said to have never been violent. Significantly, he had drunk three liters of beer in the hours preceding the attack.

I found this part of the article particularly ridiculously as Decca alone decreases sex drive and often is associated with erection problems and massive hyper-gynoidism, and depression rather than rage and agression. This is a major reason Decca needs to be taken with an androgenic compound like test. I find it hard to believe a mild anabolic such as Decca caused this psychopath to snap. He was already crazy, I do not think Decca contributed to his actions.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 801
just taking my own experience, i have used test up to 1000mg a week and i feel mellow as can be. also i have observed a very high strung friend of mine on his first cycle of test at 500mg week actually calm down while on and he is one those guys you never go to a bar or club with. can we say BRAWL!!!!. but when i added winny to my cycle i did feel a rise in temper and aggression to the point in which i had to drop it. i guess people react to certain drugs differently, i ve seen the meekiest of guys have a few drinks and turn into raging numbnuts.

I think that diet has a great impact on mood swings an agression, more than gear itself.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 18

just taking my own experience, i have used test up to 1000mg a week and i feel mellow as can be. also i have observed a very high strung friend of mine on his first cycle of test at 500mg week actually calm down while on and he is one those guys you never go to a bar or club with. can we say BRAWL!!!!. but when i added winny to my cycle i did feel a rise in temper and aggression to the point in which i had to drop it. i guess people react to certain drugs differently, i ve seen the meekiest of guys have a few drinks and turn into raging numbnuts.



Estimable Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 243

I think that it depends of hpa axis profile of the person.
of course Testosterone is correlated with aggression (high levels).

dr frankenstein

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 507
just taking my own experience, i have used test up to 1000mg a week and i feel mellow as can be. also i have observed a very high strung friend of mine on his first cycle of test at 500mg week actually calm down while on and he is one those guys you never go to a bar or club with. can we say BRAWL!!!!. but when i added winny to my cycle i did feel a rise in temper and aggression to the point in which i had to drop it. i guess people react to certain drugs differently, i ve seen the meekiest of guys have a few drinks and turn into raging numbnuts.

I'm mellow on test first few times I used tren I had to watch myself somewhat, now I'm quite mellow on a test/tren cycle unless something that would piss anyone off happens.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

Active Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 11

This guy had just taken an eight-week course of Deca durabolin, an injectable anabolic steroid. He said using the drug made him feel that he had �heaps more energy.� As well, he was �crankier, more aggressive, had an increased sex drive, and felt more uptight.� He had stopped taking the drug for two months, then resumed its use for three weeks before the murder. He was said to have come from a caring family and had never used drugs previously. He was also said to have never been violent. Significantly, he had drunk three liters of beer in the hours preceding the attack.

I found this part of the article particularly ridiculously as Decca alone decreases sex drive and often is associated with erection problems and massive hyper-gynoidism, and depression rather than rage and agression. This is a major reason Decca needs to be taken with an androgenic compound like test. I find it hard to believe a mild anabolic such as Decca caused this psychopath to snap. He was already crazy, I do not think Decca contributed to his actions.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 801
just taking my own experience, i have used test up to 1000mg a week and i feel mellow as can be. also i have observed a very high strung friend of mine on his first cycle of test at 500mg week actually calm down while on and he is one those guys you never go to a bar or club with. can we say BRAWL!!!!. but when i added winny to my cycle i did feel a rise in temper and aggression to the point in which i had to drop it. i guess people react to certain drugs differently, i ve seen the meekiest of guys have a few drinks and turn into raging numbnuts.

I think that diet has a great impact on mood swings an agression, more than gear itself.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 243
Posted by: oswaldosalcedo
I think that it depends of hpa axis profile of the person.
of course testosterone is correlated with aggression (high levels).

vasopressin release from test

J Neuroendocrinol. 2001 May;13(5):442-52.

Androgens alter corticotropin releasing hormone and arginine vasopressin mRNA within forebrain sites known to regulate activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

Viau V, Soriano L, Dallman MF.

Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco 94143-0444, USA.

To reveal direct effects of androgens, independent of glucocorticoids, we studied the effects of gonadectomy (GDX) in adrenalectomized (ADX) rats with or without androgen replacement on corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) mRNA expression within various forebrain sites known to regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. These included the medial parvocellular portion of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (mp PVN), the central and medial nuclei of the amygdala and bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (BNST). In the mp PVN, ADX stimulated both CRH and AVP mRNA expression. Combined ADX + GDX inhibited only AVP, and testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) restored AVP mRNA. In the central nucleus of the amygdala, ADX decreased CRH mRNA expression, and this response was unaffected by GDX +/- testosterone or DHT replacement. In the medial amygdala, AVP mRNA expression was decreased by ADX, abolished by ADX + GDX, and restored by androgen replacement. ADX had no effect on CRH and AVP mRNA expression in the BNST. GDX + ADX, however, reduced CRH mRNA expression only within the fusiform nuclei of the BNST and reduced the number of AVP-expressing neurones in the posterior BNST. Androgen replacement reversed both responses. In summary, in ADX rats, AVP, but not CRH mRNA expression in the amygdala and mp PVN, is sensitive to GDX +/- androgen replacement. Both CRH- and AVP-expressing neurones in the BNST respond to GDX and androgen replacement, but not to ADX alone. Because androgen receptors are not expressed by hypophysiotropic PVN neurones, we conclude that glucocorticoid-independent, androgenic influences on medial parvocellular AVP mRNA expression are mediated upstream from the PVN, and may involve AVP-related pathways in the medial amygdala, relayed to and through CRH- and AVP-expressing neurones of the BNST.

Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2006 Feb;83(2):169-74.

Orally active vasopressin V1a receptor antagonist, SRX251, selectively blocks aggressive behavior.

Ferris CF, Lu SF, Messenger T, Guillon CD, Heindel N, Miller M, Koppel G, Robert Bruns F, Simon NG.

Center for Comparative Neuroimaging, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA.

Arginine vasopressin functions as a neurochemical signal in the brain to affect social behavior. There is an expanding literature from animal and human studies showing that vasopressin, through the vasopressin 1A receptor (V1A), can stimulate aggressive behavior. Using a novel monocylic beta lactam platform, a series of orally active vasopressin V1a antagonists was developed with high affinity for the human receptor. SRX251 was chosen from this series of V1a antagonists to screen for effects on serenic activity in a resident-intruder model of offensive aggression. Resident, male Syrian golden hamsters were given oral doses of SRX251 or intraperitoneal Manning compound, a selective V1a receptor antagonist with reduced brain penetrance, at doses of 0.2 microg, 20 microg, 2 mg/kg or vehicle. When tested 90-120 min later, SRX251, but not Manning compound, caused a significant dose-dependent reduction in offensive aggression toward intruders as measured by latency to bite and number of bites. The reduction in aggression persisted for over 6 h and was no longer present 12 h post treatment. SRX251 did not alter the amount of time the resident investigated the intruder, olfactory communication, general motor activity, or sexual motivation. These data corroborate previous studies showing a role for vasopressin neurotransmission in aggression and suggest that V1a receptor antagonists may be used to treat interpersonal violence co-occurring with such illness as ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse.

Horm Behav. 2006 Sep;50(3):477-83.

Testicular hormone exposure during adolescence organizes flank-marking behavior and vasopressin receptor binding in the lateral septum.

Schulz KM, Menard TA, Smith DA, Albers HE, Sisk CL.

Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.

Brain Res. 2006 Feb 16;1073-1074:425-30.

Role of V1a vasopressin receptors in the control of aggression in Syrian hamsters.

Albers HE, Dean A, Karom MC, Smith D, Huhman KL.

Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Biology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302-3966, USA.

Behav Neurosci. 2006 Feb;120(1):115-24.

Plasticity in anterior hypothalamic vasopressin correlates with aggression during anabolic-androgenic steroid withdrawal in hamsters.

Grimes JM, Ricci LA, Melloni RH Jr.

Behavioral Neuroscience Program, Department of Psychology, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

dr frankenstein

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