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Testosterone Blood Levels

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I'm looking for some experienced based info. Other than the various types of Testosterones which other types of AAS will ultimately increase T-Blood Levels?

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EQ --bro and anything else that has test in it otherwise it will be low or normal

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maybe some supplements from GNC may work etc...

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Posted by: DoubleWide
maybe some supplements from GNC may work etc...

I'm more concerned about AAS other than Test that Won't spike T-Levels on blood tests. For instance I've heard some people say that deca will increase blood T-Levels and some that say it doesn't. I know it will shut you down so it would seem that it wouldn't raise T-Levels, rather it would drop them or keep them close to the same.

kim doug
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Maybe the question is whether or not blood tests treqat these modified test aas as test. For example, we know that Tbol is a modification of test, right? Will a blood test pick it up as testosterone, or ignore it as something else?

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Posted by: kim doug
Maybe the question is whether or not blood tests treqat these modified test aas as test. For example, we know that tbol is a modification of test, right? Will a blood test pick it up as testosterone, or ignore it as something else?

Agreed...I'm not talking about a doping test for athletes, simply a hormone panel. It may have something to do with if the product is more anabolic vs androgenic.

kim doug
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I'm sure there are members here that have had blood tests while on a cycle other than test. What are the results?

El Mucho
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I'm pretty sure all anabolic steroids will show up as having high Testosterone on a blood test because they change your hormone levels and ratios.

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Posted by: El Mucho
I'm pretty sure all anabolic steroids will show up as having high testosterone on a blood test because they change your hormone levels and ratios.

You may be correct, but why then couldn't you use something like Deca for HRT/TRT without Test. without fear of being supressed while using it , not after. There must be a reason why you need to take Test. with Deca to counter act the effect, it seems it would be a push. Now I could see your ratios being off with only Deca because it can increase E and supress T. Obviously there is only one way to be certain but I'm not into Russian Roullette. I was told per Patrick Arnold that Deca doesn't convert to T, but I'm still curious about it and other types of AAS.

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When I was taking 500mg PW of Masteron (Drostanolone Prop) and 10mg PD of Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone), I got my Total Testosterone checked and the result: I registered in at 60, with the normal range 200-1000, so I think that if you are getting a blood panel done, that artificial modifications of testosterone such as masteron and halo willn't be picked up as testosterone. The blood panel will only pick up exclusively testosterone.
