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Testosterone and Clomid

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Tried going down to 125mg, just didnt do it for me, noticable decrease in recovery, "tiredness", etc.....

So I'm back to 250mg and waiting until fall to take a break from gear. But, after doing research online, I saw that clomid can work pretty well to deal with the effects of estrogen. So I'm on 50mg the day of injecting, then 25mg a day the rest of the week. So far I've done Clomid concurrently for one week, and I've noticed some of the water weight/swelling going down....and my nipples aren't as sensitive.

I know there are better products like Arimidex, Nolva, etc.....but I got lots of Clomid on hand, so Clomid it is. I will keep y'all posted on my success with weight loss.....so far about 2 lbs of water.

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i guess if it works...why not

of crs nolva 10mgg a day would prolly be much better

btu if it works i geuss its cool

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I was under the impression that estrogen in fact played some role in maintaining endurance. In looking at some older threads were Miggy has replied I believe he puts that notion out there.

In fact he suggests that his performance post cycle if he uses an anti-estrogen really goes for a dump.

So, I'm wondering if this is true would not taking Clomid durting a cycle actually work against you?

If the issue is bloat / water weight there are other alternatives.

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Clomid does not stop estrogen it restarts ur natural test. production, it will prevent estrogen to a degree ; but not like Arimidex and nolva which will stop it 95%. M/track P.S. both HCG and Clomid are basically ovulation starters for females.

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Thanks for the clarification MadTrak ... I wonder if you could comment on the role estrogen plays in maintaining endurance? and whether taking Clomid during a cycle may be counter productive.

I'm not knowlegeable in this area but I did read this in an older thread.

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Let me try to summarize what I found, this is me paraphrasing my understanding of Bill Roberts.

Arimidex is an antiestrogen....it blocks estrogen creation. Per Miggy, bad for endurance athletes.

Clomid is a mixed estrogen antagonist/agonist. It does something to the estrogen's shape so that it blocks it from fatty tissue, breast tissue, and the hypothalmus. But estrogen is still available to bone tissue and whatnot.

Clomid is useful throughout a cycle to help prevent gyno.

My symptoms: puffy, sensitive nipples, excess water retention, and inability to lose fat that I normally loose *every* spring (and my diet is reasonably clean).


Clomid has been shown to help improve endurance, Nolvadex has been shown to have no effect on endurance I believe.


I have about 4 months worth of Clomid sitting around.

So I decided to try Clomid. Since I'm only using 250mg of test per week (I bagged the lower 125mg idea), I decided to use a lower dosage of Clomid. Also, when I used the higher Clomid dosage when going off cycle from Tbol in the past, I was noticably bitchy.....though that might have just been coming off the AAS.

But, until I start posting positive weight loss amounts here, everything above is just theory. Of course I'm starting EQ in a couple weeks, so that will throw a monkey wrench in it....and I'm probably going to do T3 in a couple weeks too. But if it is Estrogen, then the clomid should nip it in the bud pretty quickly from what I understand (like next two weeks). I'll keep you posted.

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Clomid is a serm as is nolvadex. nolvadex is more effective at the breast tissue end so if your issue is gyno, nolvadex would be a better choice.


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From my past research, I have found that clom id is actually a synthetic estrogen, it sends a signal to your body telling it that it has enuf estrogen, so your body responds by stopping it's natural estrogen production (and kicking in test production), but you are still left with the synthetic estrogen circulating in your body....

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If u are using Test ur body shuts down normal test production, what is the point of taking Clomid? u will start it up and it will b shut down again.B.B. who use large amounts of test do use Clomid during cycle to re-charge nat. test production and to stop testicle shrinkage.It would prob b ok to take it for a few days every couple of weeks on 250mg p/w. i use Hcg for this purpose.Some people get depressed on Clomid and i have read info that it can effect ur eyesight permanently. M/track

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madtrack, actually you are wrong on your assesment of Clomid....if you believe this resource


Clomid does more then just help with natural test production. It helps with side effects of aromatizable steroids such as gyno, stubborn fat deposits, water retention....all those estrogen related problems.

Arimidex or some anti-estrogen is clearly the best bet for stopping estrogen dead in its tracks. I dont want to stop estrogen, though. Clomid should work for reducing estrogen's availability to certain parts of your body, like breast tissue, fat, etc.

250mg is a sizable dossage for a cyclist, a few extra pounds of water weight is a huge disadvantage....

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Dont go by B.B. forums those guys are different to us. Can u imagine shooting 4000mg of test p/w or taking 200mg of Clomid p/d incredible. I have used Clomid for pct 75mg 3 days then 50 mg 2 weeks and it makes u feel shit and i always used nolva with it (nolva has no sides) so B4 u rave about Clomid use it for 2 weeks . M/track

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Posted by: madtrack
Dont go by B.B. forums those guys are different to us. Can u imagine shooting 4000mg of test p/w or taking 200mg of Clomid p/d incredible. I have used Clomid for pct 75mg 3 days then 50 mg 2 weeks and it makes u feel shit and i always used nolva with it (nolva has no sides) so B4 u rave about Clomid use it for 2 weeks . M/track

Not raving, just pointing out that your making blanket statements when it comes to Clomid....read the profiles of the various estrogen antagonists and blockers, and you'll see Clomid is a perfectly fine choice for dealing with estrogen side effects, particularly when you consider that I have about a 3 months supply sitting around in my garage. So far I feel fine, lost some water weight, nipples arent hard, and I havent started crying yet....but my chick is taking me to a chick flick tonight so I'll keep ya'll posted......

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hey if it works for ya why not

you are running low doseage so should be ok
only thing id be concerned about is eyesight and any other sides you wont know about taking stuff like this long term.

I dont think its a good idea to take anythign for a long time...but let us know how it goes.

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Yeah pista nolva makes u more emotional ; it helps us to know why chicks behave the way they do! good luck.

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nolva makes more emtional? I thought nolva had very little sides, and Clomid made emotional?

Although at 50mg ed i was fine

I took once 100mg before i went to bed...I slept in such a funk...it was totally weird. Sicne then I havent done 100mg ed....altho I did split it up over 2 doses, 12 hours apart

that was fine

id hate to try 300mg

