Guys I need some info. on testanon 250 by ttokkyo products. Is it the same as sustanon 250? I was told it was. Will I get the same gains. Is it as safe as sustanon? I don't understand what the difference between a vet steroid and a human?
this is cool isnt it?
It is sust 250. I'm on it right now, just started a few days ago. Here's a tip though, shoot it in your ass, not your thigh. I did 2 days ago, and since it contains alot of alcohol, it hurts like a bitch. And that was only 1 cc, and it's hard for me to walk. The first shot i took in my ass cheek, and today's shot too, doesn't hurt half as bad.-bull
yeah bro, its sustanon alright. look at the ingredients: 100mg 60mg 60mg 30mg i dont even know what they all are (well they're all test but i cant translate into english) anyway, the 4 ingredients should add up to 250. i have the same shit, and although i havent started using it yet, i have heard from just about everyone that legit ttokkio products are really good and really hard to fake. later bro
having more alcohol doesnt affect the potency of the sust does it?
Testonon is the same as Sus, just a different company with a different name for the stuff. Gains should be similar to any other Sus you get. And the alcohol doesn't hurt the juice, it hurts you 😀