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Test Makes Me Fat!

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Ok hold the flames are bear with me a minute

As some of you may have noticed I was pretty much the only one in the "spring cutting cycle" thread that didn't have test in their cycle here's's a mystery to me.

I have a lot of experience in the "game" that we play. I've dieted down while cycling aas many times in the past and have tried about every stack under the sun. For some reason, however, with any stack including test, I never seem to be able to get as lean as stacks w/o test. I particularly seem to have trouble getting rid of as much abdominal bodyfat while on test. I've tried using AI's thinking is was increased water retention. I've tried different dieting techniques and nothing seems to change the effect. So, my current "cutting" cycle of tren e/mast p/bold cyp will stand unless someone can suggest why test makes me fat.

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to the best of my knowledge test does not have any "anti-lipolitic" properties. You have addressed the water retention issue so that leaves you with pretty much nothing. even small amounts , say 250mg/week, bring about this effect?


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Be interested to see how you get on with the test free cycle.

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Posted by: jboldman
to the best of my knowledge test does not have any "anti-lipolitic" properties. You have addressed the water retention issue so that leaves you with pretty much nothing. even small amounts , say 250mg/week, bring about this effect?


I've gone as low as 200mg/wk just to offset the libido problems associated with other compounds in the stack but it still seems to happen, just not to as great a degree with higher doses. I've had to do my past 3 "cutting" cycles with the boldenone and that seems to solve the problem.

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well, let's just say test ain't my best friend either

so, i can see where you're comin from

good luck

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Have you ever tried sustanon 250? It's famous in Brazil for less bloat than cypionate and enanthate. In fact, Durateston is a national favorite.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: guijr
Have you ever tried Sustanon 250? It's famous in Brazil for less bloat than cypionate and enanthate.

Yes, I have tried a low as 1 amp / 10 days and still experienced the problem. Like I said above it doesn't appear to be as much of a problem if I limit it to about 200mg/week but it still happens. As an aside I also appear to experience abdominal distention while on even low doses of test. I could be sporting a low bf% and still have a "tummy" while on test...on anything else it would be completely flat.

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Just wondering if you control salt and simple carbs intake.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: guijr
Just wondering if you control salt and simple carbs intake.

Yes, I've found that the only significant dietary variable is simple carbs (high GI)...but this is something that I try to control closely in all my sub-maintenance calorie diets and consequently during all the aas "cutting" stacks I've tried.

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like I said it ain't my friend, basically exact same results based on similar dosages, and same nutritional habits

prop was better, yet, try finding painless prop consistently

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Most of my cycles are also test free .
It doesn't bloat me uncontrollably (AIs and antiestrogens can help me there) but it gives me a look i don't like without any significant strength gains i can't get from other substances.
Try a mild diuretic in low dosages (even over the counter stuff).This seems to be the problem.

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good idea, doc have you tried mild diuretics like hctz?


Seabiscuit Hogg
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or low dose t3.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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i've used bunched of different otc diuretics, and my personal expereince is that if you eat lean and clean and low sodium already, not a major difference

low dose of T3 does help

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Posted by: jboldman
good idea, doc have you tried mild diuretics like hctz?


No I haven't and since hctz is so cheap I may give it a shot. Just keep in mind that the problem is actually a decreased ability to shed bf. It doesn't appear that I'm retaining water (at least according to the mirror).

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