What experience have you had when comparing short acting test verses long acting test ---comparing Prop to cyp or enanthate----Not talking about the fact you dont have to inject as much but personally I have had better gains with Prop then I have had with enath or Cyp or sust--I believe the blood plasma levels of test is controlled better with Prop then I do with cyp or enath---what are your guys thoughts and experience?
I personally think that prop is superior to enth and cyp. I have feel much better on Prop and actually have less bloat on Prop. I get better gains and don't really mind having to inject ED or EOD.
I personally prefer short esters over long esters in everything I run.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer