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Here is a list for people who dont understand all the terminology, I know I didn't at first... Steroids Here it is: Acronyms related to steroids: 17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated 1cc = 1ml 1TEST = 5-alpha-androst-1-ene-3-one-17-Ol 1TESTE = 5-alpha-androst-1-ene-17-Ol-THP-Ether (More Bioavailable) 4AD = 4-androstenediol ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid AR = Androgen Receptor AS = Anabolic Steroids ASP = Aspirate BA = benzyl alcohol CASE = The body part of a syringe CC = cubic centimeter (one thousandth of a liter) CLEN = Clenbuterol CNS = Central Nervous System CYP = Testosterone Cypionate DART = Syringe/Needle DBOL = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate DHT = Dihydrotestosterone DNP = Dinitrophenol DRINK winny= Yes you can drink Winny ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin ENTH = Testosterone Enanthate EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) ESTER = someone define this one in the context of the board please FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate) GEAR = steroids GH = Growth Hormone GHB = GAMMA HYDROXYBUTYRATE growth hormone GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits) HGH = Human Growth Hormone HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis IGF = Insulin Growth Factor INJ = Inject, Injection LH = Leutenizing Hormone MCG = Micrograms MG = Milligrams ML = Milliliters NAPS = Type of Dbol NO2 = Nitric Oxide Precursor Product NOLVA = Nolvaldex Tamoxifen=Nolvadex NYC = Norephedrine Yohimbe Caffiene ONE = 1Test product OTC = Over the counter PH = Pro Hormones PIN = Needle PRECURSOR = a substance, cell, or cellular component from which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed. Example:1,4-androstadienedione is an oral steroidal precursor to the Steroid Boldenone PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot PROP = Testosterone Propionate PS = Pro Steroids SLIN = Insulin SUST = sustanon T3 = Thyroid Hormone TAB = Tablet TEST = Testosterone TREN = Trenbolone WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol) YCA = Yohimbe Caffiene Asprin Acronyms for dosage frequency: D = every day ED = Every Day EOD = Every other day EW = every week EWK = every week W = every week General acronyms: AAFLB = Accronims are for lazy bastards AFK = Away From Keyboard ASL? = Age Sex Location? BB = Body Builder or Body Building BOOT UP = To inject AS BRB = Be Right Back BRO = You and I BTW = By the way BUMP = To bring a selected topic back to the top of the message board list. CRS = Can't remember **** IMHO = In my honest opinion IMHO = In my humble opinion IMO = In my opinion LMAO = Laughing my ass off LMFAO = laughing my fuking ass off LOL = Laugh out loud O/T = off topic OT = off topic ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off ROFLMFAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my fuking ass off ROFLMGDMFAO = rolling on the floor laughing my god damn mother fuking ass off STFU = shut the fuk up SWOLE = Big, Massive, HUGE WTF = What the fuk WTG = Way To Go
