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Tbol\Deca Question

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Im 36, 5'11, 200lbs, nice toned,and going on my 3rd cycle. Ive run 2 Tbol/ test e cycles. LOVE the tbol and hate the test e. Im not into the bloat or blowing up. I was thinking about a tbol/deca combo? Any thoughts? Or should I just run a low, low base of test e and up the tbol? I only like to stick once a week so looking for a option. Thanks bros!

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As far as problems with bloat, I use arimidex .5mg ED and that does exceptional with bloating issues.

IMO, test needs to be your base and everything else comes second. If you decide to run deca be aware of any prolactin issues and know what to look for and how to deal with it. Deca and Tren both produce prolaction, it causes some unwanted sides.

Some like the Tbol and some don't, it is good you found a supp that you like alot.

Be safe


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thank tiny. I will give the adex a try.

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i'll bump tiny on this....

what is your cycle history and some of your goals?? a great lean mass builder would be test/deca/tbol...of course, how lean you get would be determined by your diet.

some people like Visions and myself respond very well to low doses of test, maybe this would be true for you if you're finding a lot of "bloat" and "blowing up"...

try 250-300mg/wk of Test, along with your dosage of deca every week, and kickstart the cycle with Tbol....

i've never tried Tbol, but alot of people hopped on that bandwagon a while back, and haven't gotten off! check around for some proper dosages on that compound...

good luck.

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I love tbol. It worked better for me than dbol. Not sure why but it did. My diet is always in check so it wouldn't be that. I just felt I kept more gains from tbol.

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Always run test with deca, and at a higher dose. Drop the t-bol aafter 4 weeks, and pick it back up for the final 4. Don't run t-bol throughout it's too hard on your liver. If you run an AI with your cycle you won't retain water.

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Just wanted to throw in that 60 mg of tbol is perfect for me. Split in 3 servings. I'm only weighing around 180 lbs. I do love the stuff though.

^^^^bump running an AI.
