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Tationil Glutathione: Injectable Liver Detoxification

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posted by DRveejay

Tationil Glutathione: Injectable Liver Detoxification

What is Tationil Glutathione?

-it is a protein (amino acid) molecule which is important as our body antioxidant, immune system booster and detoxifier

-it presents in every cell to promote normal function as maintaining the immune system

-one of the master antioxidant that mostly found in liver

-it eliminates toxic compound (such as Paracetamol) in liver

-it reconstitutes vitamin C and E which is being oxidized

-combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, more youthful skin and stay healthy

-fights against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and chronic illness


Each box contains 10x600mg of Glutathione together with 10x4ml distilled aqua for mixing

It is manufactured by Roche, Italy.


No known interaction, individual with liver malfunction is not supposed to take this product. Pregnant and lactating women are not supposed to take the injection and other same kind of supplementary.

Dosage and method:

1 ampule weekly by intravenous or intramuscular method.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is glutathione?

It is an important chemical that acts as a powerful antioxidant to preserve and protect the brain and other body tissues by protecting them from the damage of free radicals. It also acts to recycle vitamin C & E which also reduce free radicals.

2. What studies prove it work or are there any studies that prove it works?

The landmark study was done by the Department of Neurology, University of Sassari, Italy in 1996. In this study all patients improved significantly after glutathione therapy with a 42% decline in disability.

3. What is glutathione used for?

It has been used to treat all symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, ALS, irritable bowel, and chronic fatigue.

4. What improvement in symptoms can one expect?

Many patients have had profound improvements with respect to reduction of rigidity, increased mobility, improved ability to speak, less depression, and decreased tremor. Glutathione has the added benefit of protecting the brain from free radical damage, thus possibly slowing the progression of the underlying illness.

5. How long can a person take glutathione and how long will the effect last after I stop using it?

It can be taken permanently. In the 1996 Italian study the therapeutic effect lasted 2-4 months after therapy was stopped.

6. How long has this treatment been used.

Physicians have been using glutathione infusions for at least 30 years, probably longer.

7. How is the treatment given?

It is given intravenously in the arm by IV push over 10 to 15 minutes usually three times a week in a physician's office.

I'm quite sure we will be reading more about this exciting drug.....

For the science guys ( )........



liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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could you just take NAC or perhaps glutathione to get the same boost?


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I am looking for something to boost my immunity, which seems to be a little weak for the past 3 months.

This is very interesting, I cant wait to hear more on this.

Also where can I get Inj. Vitamin C? I never even thought about using injectable C.

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try undenatured whey


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I think this would be perfect for an endurance athlete, especially when competing in multi-day events. I would tend to assume that an injection would be a more efficient route than oral supplementation, but effects do sound much like NAC.

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I used it before, in asia, we go to the doctor every week to get the injection along with placenta and DNA whitening.

Another day, Another challange and Opportunity

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and where would one get it.


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Posted by: jboldman
and where would one get it.


not here in USA, FDA hasn't approved that kind of treatment as cosmetic nor to cure any disease.

you can order them from Malaysia, the cost like $1400 for 50 ampules

Another day, Another challange and Opportunity
