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Sust Question

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I just took my first shot of sust 250 today, I had absolutely no pain from the injection whatsoever. From reading about what people said on the forums it's supposed to hurt when you inject, does anyone think this is unusual?

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No, pain while injecting is not normal for most gear, the ones that sting quite a bit are water based gear....prop can be painful but it usually takes 4-5 hours to really feel it, and not for everyone. Fina can give u some nasty side effects right away. U may or may not get sore. Where did u shoot, how much and what brand?

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Everybody is different but if you're like me the pain will be there tomorrow. The injection shouldn't hurt. Soreness will come from the prop though.

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You guys were right, I just woke up and the area is a little sore. Nothing really unbearable like some people were saying though in a couple of the forums I read through. I shot it in the glute, 1 mL of Nile Co Sust. Thanks for the advise its appreciated.
