superdrol/ Epistane...
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superdrol/ Epistane/ Formastane?

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I am a bodybuilder who will be undergoing random urinalysis for steroids. Iam pretty sure Quest diagnostics will be the lab in charge of the testing. Can I still run any or all of these products without having a positive? I have heard that superdrol may show up as masteron or proviron. Any suggestions? My main goal is to preserve as much muscle as possible for the next year until I can cycle regularly again. I have been using peptides with moderate succes. thanks

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uhh im pretty sure superdrol will show up in tests bro and youll get terrible side effects its meant to be used 3 wks at a time 4 at most. and finally wrong section of the forum no offense

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I have researched this a little bit already. Superdrol on it's own is not tested for by the Lab that is conducting the tests. However because it's chemical structure is basically methylated masteron some people think that it may cause a false positive for masteron or proviron. The reason I asked this over here in this forum is because you guys seem to be more aware of doping tests than the bodybuilding community is, generally speaking. Any feedback is appreciated. thanks.

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Check out RG's sticky on "Test and Steroids for Endurance Athletes". If the quest diagnostic testing goes by the same testing parameters that the wada uses, as long as your T:E ratio is in line (3:1 or 4:1... not certain) and serum T is under 1,000 ng/dl then you're ok. So if you did low dose Testosterone ethanate you could dial in your levels to pass the test. If they actually test for exogenous testosterone, then of course that wouldn't work. Might be worth looking into.


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Re: Low Dose Test?

Posted by: epno
If the quest diagnostic testing goes by the same testing parameters that the wada uses, as long as your T:E ratio is in line (3:1 or 4:1... not certain) and serum T is under 1,000 ng/dl then you're ok

Where testosterone is concerned, the anti-dopers will nearly always look at Test:Epitest ratio in the urine before anything else. The limit here is usually 4:1 (some agencies might employ a 6:1 limit). If you pass that, then you will probably be declared negative there and then. However, there is always a risk of being checked for exo T in some sports, even if the ratio checks out. For a random workplace panel however, I would speculate that the chances of that happening are zero.

WADA and other agencies have a cut off limit for the epitesterone concentration, which makes it harder to mask a T:E ratio using exogenous epitest. Still possible, since this concentration can be manipulated by diluting the urine. Again though, the risk of a check for exo substance can't be ruled out even if the concentration is below the limit.

Any T using athlete whose tests are part of some kind of passport program are clearly at greater risk of being caught out with exogenous testing.

The serum T can only be an issue if a blood test is used. Blood testing is probably unheard of in bodybuilding and workplace testing.

I believe that tests for other AAS which can be found naturally in the body e.g. nandrolone, rely solely on cut off limits, so they could possibly be beaten with urine manipulation. Exogenous AAS like masteron probably have no cut off, since their presence in any capacity is impossible without consuming the product in question. In that instance, the scope of detection would be based on urine concentration and the testing lab's detection method.
