Strange q, bear wit...
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Strange q, bear with me...

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Joined: 7 years ago
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Ok, here's the situation.

I'm a pro cyclist (sprinter) looking for some gains, mostly in strength, but weight as well for sure. At the mo 1.8m 76kg 8%bf.

My main competition is at the beginning of May 2018. I have two options.

Option 1:
run 3 x 2 week cycles (or any other cycles you may suggest) from 3 Febrauary 2018. Time off between each cycle is 4 weeks. I have got some acne from short cycles durting pct, suspect it may be tren, or clomid, or hormone flux. The short cycles would be prop only 150-200mg prop eod. 2 weeks Clomid.

Then on 15 March 2018, start a prop cycle, and run it until 20 April 2018. As my competition is 1 May 2018, 10-11 days shoul dbe enought to get my T/E ratio legal ? (4:1). HCG 5000iu total in the last 3 weeks of cycle. PCT would only start on 3/4 May, RIGHT after my competition. Reason being that I can't run any anti-e while during competition. Question is, after a 10 week prop cycle like this, 10 days after last injection, will I be buggered, running no pct?? I would run pct straight after competition, abotu 12 days after stopping prop. Will I be able to perform well and still do well? Other option is to frontload enan for 3-4 weeks and then simly run prop after. I'd do this to minimise injections, 8 weeks prop don't sound like fun...

Option 2.

Finish my current 2 weeker, take 4 weeks off, and start a 12 week cycle of Test enan. Run HCG 5000iu during last 3 weeks and run 5 weeks pct after this.

This means that from the period 1 Feb to 1 May 2018 ( 3 months) I will not be using any aas.

Thoughts on what is best here? I know it's complicated, but input appreciated.

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c'mon all you cyclists, lets chime in here.


Joined: 7 years ago
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I'm primarily concerned about option 1. I'd wan tot run prop 8 weeks, then go off 10 days, no pct. On day 10, prop will have cleared, my T/E ratio will be way under 4:1 (in fact it will be way under normal). Question is simply, will I feel like absolute crap then?

And is it ok (but obviously not optimal) , to start pct on about day 12? Dont' wan tot compete with a stack of anti-e's in me.
