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Can someone maybe tell me what will happen if you put two syringes next to each other, one pre-loaded with HCG (0.3 ml=500iu’s) and you grab that one by accident, in a hurry, with all the excuses that could follow, and inject that into the vial of 5 ml Test E, which was suppose to be air? You notice something in the vial that is strange, you look at the syringe that still lay on the desk and you notice what just happened. I know my head will go to the desk for a few times, but besides that, what happens to the Test E?

Thank you.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 59

it will be fine. The HCG is water based so it wont mix with the oil. Try and draw it back out. Shouldn't be that hard to do!

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LOL.... thats pretty fucked up.

So you injected 0.3ml of HCG.... lol.... ok thing you will notice the HCG will form an emlusion. Basically, the water from the HCG will float on the oil based test. There maybe a little carry over of the HCG, but nothing that will really make any difference. HCG wouldn't make any difference even if it was 100% dissolved into the test. But you really should remove the emulsion from the test.... just use a larger gauge needle at suck up the water thats floating on the oil base....

Good luck

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sounds loike some shit i would do. one time i was switching needles on my syringe and tried to inject before i realized i had not replaced the needle !

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Posted by: hatfield
sounds loike some shit i would do. one time i was switching needles on my syringe and tried to inject before i realized i had not replaced the needle !

Anticipation mixed with an anxiety for needles can be distract full even so much more if everything is new to you and there is no place for mistakes, okay, almost no mistakes.
