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Straight to the Point

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on the website here it says syringes are $1....well...from all of my reading there seems to be all kinds of sizes of what size are they? I figure ill be doing mostly quad injections because there seems to be less sensitivity in the legs and i can see better whats going on. what size do you reccommend? and what size does this site sell? Thanks!

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$1 a syrenge is kinda pricey. I will leave it at that.

But 1inch for quad/delt shots. 1.5 inch for glute.

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I use a 1" length and 23 guage and that is for oil based. I do mostly quad shots but you will need to rotate sites. the higher the guage the thinner the needle. That would be for other injections that are water based. some people draw with one size and shoot with another. I would say 1 1/2" is the biggest you would need in length.

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Posted by: Rulez
$1 a syrenge is kinda pricey. I will leave it at that.

But 1inch for quad/delt shots. 1.5 inch for glute.

where is another place to get the 1 inch ones? also do you get a new one every injection?
i want to use HCG and Test for my first cycle, and was wondering do you mix them together or is that 2 shots? and if you do them at the same time can you use the same syringe or is it better to use a new one?

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Posted by: Wheat
where is another place to get the 1 inch ones? also do you get a new one every injection?
i want to use HCG and Test for my first cycle, and was wondering do you mix them together or is that 2 shots? and if you do them at the same time can you use the same syringe or is it better to use a new one?

Why would you use HCG and Test? You wont see any benefit from the HCG as far as mass or strength. And if you do test only you might not even need HCG...just a good PCT.

I get my pins from and you should be using a new needle+syrenge every inject.

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Yea, you can get them for about $.18 each at a drugstore.

Since we are on the topic, if you get asked what they are for, you are not obligated to do so as far as I know. I tell them it is for my Choc Lab to administer pain meds...which isn't entirely a lie.

I hate that freakn sideways look when I go to buy, but oh well.

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Posted by: Rulez
Why would you use HCG and Test? You wont see any benefit from the HCG as far as mass or strength. And if you do test only you might not even need HCG...just a good PCT.

I get my pins from and you should be using a new needle+syrenge every inject.

no HCG huh? ok well that is good news...saves a little $$$
I plan on doing a Test E, T-bol cycle for my first one with nolva and clomid for you think it would be useful to run proviron during the cycle as well?
do you think i should use both nolva and clomid ?

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Posted by: Rulez
Why would you use HCG and Test? You wont see any benefit from the HCG as far as mass or strength. And if you do test only you might not even need HCG...just a good PCT.

I get my pins from and you should be using a new needle+syrenge every inject.

at 500 e4th day you will get roughly 50mg of test from the testes aweek. HCG can be used during the cycle with great result in terms of recovery. Its not commonly used on low dose test or test only cycles but I feel it is a great help even on these smaller cycle. Were talking about natty test production, why chance it? I feel that that is all the more reason to use HCG during and help retain even more PC. JMO
gearboxinc and getpinz are great sites as well

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18g to draw & 22g to inject

*Disclaimer*: 'GiantKilr' is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by 'GiantKilr' is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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I get mine from They come in like 4 days.
