By: Body2See @
Ok, so years and years of trial and error have finally led me to a routine that works very well, effective, and not exceptionally expensive. I really researched with different boards, techniques, etc. as I was miserable with constantly using Accutane during cycles to keep away acne. I used my dermatologists recommendation on OTC products, and again trial and error. I am particularly sensitive to AAS, and this for me is the only true side effect that I have struggled with over the years. For me the accutane sides were just not worth it, though the fact is that nothing compared as to the benefits to the skin...
Here goes
Every day, the goal should be to dry the body out as much as humanly possible. Alot of people will be skeptical of this at first, but the reality is that the dryer you are consistenly, the better.
Wake up in the morning...
Take VITAMIN B-5 Pantothenic Acid ( a good dose is 2-3 grams per day). So breaking this up into 2-3 increments throughout the day is good. I liked taking 1gram, or 1000mgs every 12 hours...$10 bucks for a month supply.
Take some type of EFA's or Omega's/Fish Oil blends. I liked GNC's brand Multi-Oils, might cost you 9.99 for a month supply.
Take your daily vitamin, either once or twice per day...$10 per month.
Soak your body in a DEAD SEA SALT, or SEA SALT bath. These salts are available pretty cheap, they might run you $15-20 dollars for a 20lb bag, they are available online, EBAY for sure. The fact is that the sea salt is a natural remedy for inflammation and killing bacteria. This aids in the reduction of acne on or below the surface of the skin. Take 1-3 cups and add it to a warm bath. Soak for 15-30 minutes. EXFOLIATE the needed areas with a loofa sponge (THIS IS KEY). This bath can be completed at the begininning or end of the day, but consistency is KEY. It is a good idea to soak at night, after a workout, because the salts will actually relax the body, and reduce muscle soreness as well...This technique I stole from and it is a miracle, trust me!!
SUN!! Get 15-30minutes of SUN per day if possible on the body that is having issues. This will help tighten and dry pores. Everyone knows the suns beneficial effects on acne, in moderation.
NIZORAL shampoo 1-2%, or if you can't get that use NIOXIN shampoos. These are DHT inhibitors. They are used to block out harmful DHT particles into the hair normally, but funny enough they block it from the skin too, as well as harmful androgens that will promote acne, and excess oil production.
Midway through the day, apply NIZORAL lightly to the affected areas. Let the nizoral sit on the skin and dry for 10-15 minutes prior to washing it off. You can get this at any pharmacy $10 bucks for a months worth.
PanOXYL soap. This is a 10% Benzoyl Peroxide bar of soap. It's about $6 dollars for a bar. This is key to use on the body, not so much the face, it might be too strong. Either way, any time you shower, or you sweat for that matter, jump right in the shower and use this bar on the area. I applied it, and let this sit also for about 10 minutes, got in the shower, and again lightly exfoliated. Following the shower, pat the area dry, and apply RUBBING ALCOHOL to the area, very lightly and allow to dry.
MOISTURIZER, this is VERY IMPORTANT. After the sea salt, nizoral, or panoxyl showers, prior to bed, you must apply a moisturizer. The brand is important. CETAPHIL is the brand of choice. SENSITIVE SKIN version is what you want, available at any pharmacy $10 dollars a bottle. The reason you want this, is because it is hypoallergenic, won't clog pores, and will allow the skin on the surface to begin to heal, the skin you have excessively exfoliated during the day. ONCE per day application is fine, I preffered to use a very light amount at night, and saw results immediately. Healthier skin on top of a reduction in acne.
Basically, the combination of all of these products at one time, and aggressively consistently treating the problem each and every day will allow you to safely run your cycle, acne free, with great looking skin, and without the harmful effects of antibiotics or accutane. An important factor was to be sure that everytime your body sweats to immediately shower, and dry the area out asap. If you sweat and sit in sweaty clothes, or do not reduce the sweat, the pores will clog, inflame, and get worse. Even after you get some sun, you are likely to sweat, it is wise to go right indoors, hit up the panoxyl or the Nizoral, let it sit, then exfoliate and dry.
This method will take a few weeks to see substantial differences, but after years of trial and error, this is a very very effective way to control acne in sensitive users such as myself. Do realize that specific compounds, i.e tren, Anadrol, and high doses of test are going to make this a bit more tricky. It is important to start such a routine prior to cycle, or at the beginning, rather than to try and fix damage midway through or at the end.
Hope this helps!!
awesome info, i too am very acne prone and i will definately give this system a go when i start my next cycle which will be in about 6 weeks so i will start the routine say 2 weeks before i start.
awesome info bro,,,also just to throw sumthing alse in there,,, using visions methid of takeing a deoderant crystal, boiling it down in water spraying it on the body and using my tanning bed 20mins twice a week has givin me the same results....clear acne clear skin....
JDawg can you explain that one??? I'm not sure I follow you on that and it sounds interesting.
Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!
I could use all the advice I can get on this one.
Bodybuilder * Grappler * Olympic Weight Lifter
Team Jacare/Cobrinha
Carpe Jugulum
***It aint the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog***
Coffee's Gym Sponsored Female Superheavyweight Olympic Weight Lifter
you buy a break it up into small peices,,, place it in a gallon of water and bring to a boil..... once it boils the crystals dissolves.... take the water solution and put into pump sprayer,,every time u shower and b-4 bed you spray body with solution.... it sumtimes leaves a lil white chalky apperance after it dries on skin,,but you can wipe it off real easy,,, then i lay in my tanning bed 20mins 2 times a week... after hearing of this from visions.. ive used this method for at least 3 months and for the first-time ever im acne free...
Thats really interesting. Does it matter what deordant you melt down?
Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!
Thats really interesting. Does it matter what deordant you melt down?
You want a Natural deodorant stone,,, found at health food shops,,, its a mineral stone and looks like a crystal... just drop it into a galon of boiling water and it will desolve... then put into a spray bottle... mist your body... you will smell fresh and clean because the bacteria wont be able to live on your skin...
Wanting to avoid negative sides?
Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...
You've come to the right place for that type of questions...
Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!
Thanks for clearing that up Visions I will def have to give that a try.
Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!
You want a Natural deodorant stone,,, found at health food shops,,, its a mineral stone and looks like a crystal... just drop it into a galon of boiling water and it will desolve... then put into a spray bottle... mist your body... you will smell fresh and clean because the bacteria wont be able to live on your skin...
Does that include the face?
Bodybuilder * Grappler * Olympic Weight Lifter
Team Jacare/Cobrinha
Carpe Jugulum
***It aint the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog***
Coffee's Gym Sponsored Female Superheavyweight Olympic Weight Lifter