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Smoking and Cycling

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I've heard some interesting things about the gym lately. . A few guys who smoke cigarettes decided to quit before a cycle, I assume because they are an appetite suppressant, and will kill you :p Anyway these guys have both cycled AS at the same times for 12wk intervials doing everything exactly the same, and using the exact same anabolics before and during their little experiment. 5wks out Jeff gained 12lbs - Previously 7lbs at 5wks 5wks out Dan gained 9lbs - Previously 6lbs at 5wks Ongoing experiment. . Far to many variables to be an exact science. . Just thought it was interesting. . Peace, -=KraKr=-

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whats the difference? did one quit smoking and the other didn't? How did it compare to their cycles when they did smoke?

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5wks out Jeff gained 12lbs - Previously 7lbs at 5wks 5wks out Dan gained 9lbs - Previously 6lbs at 5wks Previously meaning the previous cycle. They both stopped smoking at the same time "roommates" -=KraKr=-

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I've also heard alot on the radio about how people gain 10-30lbs of fat after quitting. . so exercise is a must. . :biglaugh: "Laziness is a disease" Iron is the cure. . Pump the fuck up!i! -=KraKr=-

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I just read an article about nicotine. Interesting conclusion ---- nicotine supresses estrogen - so, one response from a smoker was - quitting while on gear and will start smoking for my PCT (as a substitute for nolva). 🙂

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my buddy smoked a pack a day and looked awesome. he did cycles to. i guess its in the genes cause this dude never even tasted a protein shake.

Walter E Kurtz
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Originally posted by slickrick my buddy smoked a pack a day and looked awesome. he did cycles to. i guess its in the genes cause this dude never even tasted a protein shake. I think that its a totality of circumstances. If a guy trains right, eats clean, stays away from booze, but smokes cigarettes, I don't think that he is hurting his gains that much (so long as he is not an excessive smoker). You are correct, that genetics are a lot of the equation, but I would argue that bad food, poor diet, and excessive drinking are much more harmful to one's physique than cigarettes.

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well said walt. i agree my brother from another mother!!:cool:

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Just thought this information would be beneficial to someone or another. . Will keep you guys posted on their progress throughout this experiment, I truely belive they will gain atleast 7-9lbs more, or maybe they are hypein' it up. . regardless they are making nothing for it. -=KraKr=-

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Why spen more money on cigs and take the health risk?? At least AAS helps you achieve your physical goals but cigs just make you smell and kill you faster. Invest the money or use it for more supplements/aas
