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Shutdown Question

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Hey guys im doing a Dbol/deca/test en cycle and my HCG is going to be delayed so i wont start injecting to week 5 or 6 of my 12 week cycle. What week through this cycle would i expect to start to be shutdown?

Week 1-4: 40mg Dbol
Week 1-11: 400mg Deca
Week 1-12: 500mg Test enth

13-18: 12.5mg aromasin
Week 13-15: 100mg clomid

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imho, you'll be fine. this cycle, like ALL cycles, will shut you down, and HCG will not prevent that. it will keep the testes healthy, happy and ready to get back to work. making recovery much easier.

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okay, but i would still like to know how long it usually takes for someone to become shutdown? Or does it vary person to person

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I ran similar and didnt feel shitty untill after cycle, technicaly Im sure there is a better reply. But didnt notice "shutdown" feeling untill post cycle.

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Posted by: zambon
I ran similar and didnt feel shitty untill after cycle, technicaly Im sure there is a better reply. But didnt notice "shutdown" feeling untill post cycle.

You arent going to feel shutdown happening because you are supplimenting with test... but shutdown starts from your first shot of steroids....

Allowing shutdown during the cycle makes it harder to recover... the longer you wait the harder it can be.... I just got a pm from someone that waited until the end of the cycle to use HCG then did PCT and he's having problems...

I say get on HCG from the begining till 4 days before PCT...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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Posted by: Mass08
okay, but i would still like to know how long it usually takes for someone to become shutdown? Or does it vary person to person

it begins immediately, and starting from day one is best, but you don't have that option. always a great idea to have EVERYTHING you need for the cycle and PCT before you begin. but you didn't and imho you'll still be fine. i've run much harder/longer cycles w/o HCG and recovery went well, with aggressive PCT protocols. theintensity and duration of your cycle are light. start HCG as soon as you can, and run a solid PCT, you'll be fine.

you can only do what you can do.

