I'm trying to cut body fat, I don't need to increase my size. I'm about 15% bf now, 5'9" 200 lbs. Is this the best cycle I can do or should it be combined with something else? Thanks.
Where is the diet? Do that before any AS.
Winny will not burn any fat. I'm with Big Will look to your diet first. Once you are eating right and doing cardio the fat will start to melt off. Add in some clen or ECA then. Winny adds a harder appearance to an already lean build.
Winny gets its reputation for cutting fat in certain circles from some studies which indicate that it can raise your metabolic rate as much as 3X compared to certain other tests......however, once you balance out the advantages and disadvantages of winny versus other tests and how they offset each other, what seems to be the most noticeable difference in the end is the difference in water retention....which of course enhances winny's image as a cutter......Willy and BigWill are certainly correct in saying that it's diet and cardio.......but personally I don't like ECA stacks because they create a rebound situation for me and slow my metabolic rate down when I come off of them.....just having a clean diet which for me is about 90% of the issue works better.....