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Short Cycles

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What about a 5 week cycle of prop, suspension, and tren..100mg of each EOD. I know this will shut me down, but if I use HCG through the small cycle and follow the clomid schedual I think I will not shut down nearly as bad as a 10-12 week cycle.. I will have nolvedex, liquidex, and liquid letro on hand.. Also plenty of HCG.. I want my boys in tact as much as possible. I want to run a short cycle to get me going again.. Also I hear that you keep more gains off short cycles(true or not im giving it a shot) I will use SYD suspension and Qv prop and the homemade tren(100mg/ml).Any suggestions are appreciated.. Thanks, EQ

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I have tried short cycling with much success, and will start doing it again next time around. Best of luck

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Im currently weighing the pros/cons of a 5 week Cyp/EQ cycle...I have enough gear for 400mg of each for 5 weeks,and am wondering whether or not a low/medium dose like that would shut me off completely. I do not have access to HCG right now,but WOULD be pickin up some liquid nolva or liq. clomid Some people sware by short cycles,some say they are a waste of me out people! If its pointless,Ill wait till I have more gear and do a 10 weeker.

Feli Fly
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Don't even think about a 5wk cyp/eq cycle. You don't run short cycles with long ester compounds; that's just silly. Gains would kick in week 3 or so, and you're done week 5... whoopee! EDDIEQ, your idea is good. I agree with your ideas. I think I'm going to run primarily 5wk cycles in the future. The initial weeks are when the best gains have occured for me anyways...

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Its funny this tread came up. I was just thinking og doing a short prop/ tren cycle. In the past I have only done 10 weeks + so I have no personal experience in its effectiveness. Anyone out there wanr to post their own pros and cons from experience. Assuming diet and training are all in point is it a waste of gear. CAuse the shorter the cycle the faster I jump on another:biglaugh:

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Short cycles are fine, but not with long esters as Feli said. EQ or deca takes 6 to 8 weeks just to saturate - running a 5 week cycle is a complete waste of it. Your natural levels will get down withing a week and will be close to completely shut in 2 weeks. ---- So, whether you're running 5 or 16 week cycle - you need a full PCT and enough time to recover (8 weeks +) before you run your next cycle. You don't keep more gains with shorter cycle. Keeping gains is a question of proper PCT, diet and workout. You get better quality muscle (quantity vs. volume) with a longer cycle - because it takes longer to get the body to adapt and start producing new cells.

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EDDIEQ - that should work out nicely.. My favorite cycle is fina 100mg/ed, and **'s prop/suspension 100mg/ed.. GunsAndPoses - Short cycles work with fast acting gear.. the stuff you've chosen is no good.. Try prop or suspension instead of the cyp and if you look hard you can find some esterless eq.. but you'd probably be better off using fina too..

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Yeah,I see that most people use short term esters for the short cycles which makes complete sense...Its just that I only have enough gear for 5 weeks basically,and have no sources since I just moved up here...I guess Ill brew up some tren prop (never made prop before,should be interesting) and save the cyp/EQ for something down the road. Thanks for the tips saved my nuts some abuse.:biglaugh:

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That cycle is fine. Im gonna be running a similar one starting dec for 6 weeks. 100 mgs test susp ed 50 mgs tren ed 50 mgs winny ed.
