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SHBG and a Soy diet

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All these health nuts better start to take note with Soy... I for one have stopped drinking soy milk... Soy has phytoestrogentic effects... This study was on postmenopausal women... It shows how drinking Soy milk has estrogentic properties as it binds to estrogen receptors (ER) which the body thinks its estrogen and since estrogen is now raised, SHBG automaticly raises... This rise in estrogenic actions with the rise in SHBG can further kill the sex drive,,, lower true estrogen actions,,, in turn lower bone density,,, keep in mind high estroens are associated with cancer and drinking soy is putting the body out of balance... here is the study...

Dietary Isoflavones Affect Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin Levels in Postmenopausal Women -- Pino et al. 85 (8): 2797 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism


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El Mucho
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Here's a couple more studies showing how great soy protein is. I have found several studies proving that it can help shrink the prostate, but all of these studies were done on animals and were inconclusive when they did the same experiments on humans. The last study was done on humans to see if soy had any effect on thyroid function, and soy really didn't have much effect on humans. The last link isn't exactly a med site or anything that legit, and it is to prove that soy protein is good for men. But if you read the first part about how "mega doses" of soy protein caused bitch tits and even discharge, it clearly proves that soy protein is estrogenic. I can't think of any other food that would give you bitch tits if you ate it in huge amounts, unless D-bol'>Dianabol is considered a food. Either way, I think soy protein is definitely estrogenic in men, but I think you have to eat it by the bucket to get the negative effects from it.
I have about 20 grams of soy protein a day just because it's so friggin' cheap, and I haven't noticed anything bad from it. I just see it as an OK (but not great) source of protein. It's being promoted as a superb source of protein just because soy is a huge cash crop just like corn, so corporations are investing money in it and that's why it's now being claimed as a miracle food. However, it's funny because I actually own some land that is being used to grow soy beans, so I refuse to talk too much shit about it.

NEJM -- Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Soy Protein Intake on Serum Lipids
Dietary soy-phytoestrogens decrease Testosterone levels and prostate weight without altering LH, prostate 5alpha-reductase or testicular steroidogenic acute regulatory peptide levels in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats -- Weber et al. 170 (3): 591 -- J

Effects of soy protein and soybean isoflavones on ...[Thyroid. 2006] - PubMed Result
Soy Consumption Effects On Men

I just read through that last study again, and even though it's supposed to promote soy intake by men, it really bashes it. It lowers testosterone and it prevents prostate cancer, but it agrivates prostate cancer if a tumor is already present.

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El Mucho,,, thanks for adding to this... the study I showed was done with only 30g of Soy which shows how estrogentic it is... its drug like and has a high potiential to do harm... I love to drink Vanilla Soy milk but I won't touch it again... I think it should be banned like prohormones or at least should have a large warning on it...


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Good find guys. No more veggie burgers for me!!

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