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range on low test?

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what would be considered low testosterone..... I am 5' 10 185lbs...... Just turned 23 years old today my test level was 214 just curious..... will the doc prescribe me injections...if so how much could I ask for.

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Hey bro, At your age, I would think the doc will do more tests before prescibing test or may refer you to an endocrinologist. MRI might confirm the pituitary is not working properly. But yes, your test is low. Range is 300-900 for total T levels. Did you ever have an injury to your testicals or is there anything you can think of why your T levels may be that low? I'm 30 and was surprised the HRT doc I went to was okay with giving me injectible test at my age.... The youngest they have at the HRT clinic I go to is 25.

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I am 24 and the results of my last 2 tests were 128, and 165. No juice for well over 2 years now. Endo took more blood friday and I am waiting for the next results. He is also checking my FSH and LH levels as well as Prolactin. He kind of sweated me thinking I was a juicer looking for prescribed naturally he is gunna run a check on my ass. Which brings up a question: If my FSH/LH/Prolactin levels are normal, does this indicate TESTICULAR failure rather than pituitary or hypothalmic? FOX

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Fox, anythings possible, but I'm betting the other medications you are on are interfering with your T levels in some way. I think the body's functions are more complicated then we understand today, and medications that alter the body's natural mind/state could interfere with other bodily functions. Just a guess though...

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yes.......... I was diagnosed with epididimitus.... which now I think I only have a left testicle. said something about the testicle twisted up and lost circulation. So what should I do now? take the Testid he prescribed or leave it alone and tell him I want the injectibles. Thanks

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I would ask for injectables. Docs usually will give if u ask, most think that ppl are scared of self injecting.

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just curious if you have a script for injectable test what is the real benefit other than bringing your levels back to normal?? if you were to abuse the script wouldnt that raise a flag for your doc??

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southernstyle23, holy shit!! how did your ball twist up and lose circulation without you feeling it??? If you didn't feel it that means that some of us might have the same condition without knowing it. Did your doc give any description as to how one is supposed to detect that. please elaborate what epypdidmis is, i remembered that in health class but that was high school years 5 years back. happy bday btw, im also turning 23 soon. w/b xplode

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I'm on HRT and I run cycles with other AAS. I try to save my HRT cyp for 'off' periods.....and yes....keeping the doc from getting alarmed at test results is a MAJOR issue I'm still learning. never go in for blood on cycle, try to time your blood draws when you are off cycle at least 3-4 weeks. One time the doc insinuated he was gonna pul my script if my next test came up hi, I had to beg a freind to go do the test for worked. that hrt rx is golden, protects from all kinds of legal hassels and is a steady source of hi quality, no cost american made cyp.

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Yeah, I had a nice birthday yesterday..... and yes, about 2 years ago I went through the worst pain I ever went through.... seems I picked up an amp(music equipment) and pulled something. I shook it off but the next day I couldn't even walk. Hell, I laid in bed and by the afternoon..... I rushed to the doctor.. seems my right testicle twisted up and by the time I got there... It was done too late for the little guy. I am sure I will need test replacement thearpy. Just don't know how to approach him about injectibles.... should I take the prescription of testid first or hold off .
