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question about Testaplex E 250

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Testaplex E250 1 x 10 ml (250mg/ml)

I want to run it @ 250 mg a shot twice a week for 10 weeks. 1ml will equal 250mg so 1 vial hasl 10ml which has 10 shots @ 250mg.. so I will need to get 2 vials for a 10 week supply @ 2 shots per week... is this right..

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That's right! You better be exactly accurate on your dose, or you could come up short. But you have the right idea. What are your plans for PCT? What are your goals for this cycle?

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Posted by: midnight765
Testaplex E250 1 x 10 ml (250mg/ml)

I want to run it @ 250 mg a shot twice a week for 10 weeks. 1ml will equal 250mg so 1 vial hasl 10ml which has 10 shots @ I will need to get 2 vials for a 10 week supply @ 2 shots per week... is this right..

you are prolly going to come up a bit would be better to go ahead & get (3) 10ml vials...if there are exactly 10mls in the vial, then you will lose about 1ml or so because there is about .1ml left in the syringe after each injection...

*Disclaimer*: 'GiantKilr' is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by 'GiantKilr' is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Posted by: giantkilr
you are prolly going to come up a bit would be better to go ahead & get (3) 10ml vials...if there are exactly 10mls in the vial, then you will lose about 1ml or so because there is about .1ml left in the syringe after each injection...

agree with ^^^.Each injection you lose .1 ml. That may not seem like a lot but after 10 injections thats 1 ml. Your last shot will definitely be short. Get 3 and what you don't use, you will have for a future cycle.

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running a 10 week cycle with test @ 250 mg twice per week and the first 4 weeks Dbol at around 20mg daily may go up later in the 4 week cycle. looking to add some bulk... what is pct? just kidding.. will post it later, still working on it... i am looking to start this cycle towards the end of March. my right forearm has been bothering me for like the last 4-5 months... took like 6 weeks off in oct-nov 07... messed it up using the straight bar doing curls... thanks again... and yes I will go with 3 vials to be safe....

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Posted by: midnight765
running a 10 week cycle with test @ 250 mg twice per week and the first 4 weeks dbol at around 20mg daily may go up later in the 4 week cycle. looking to add some bulk... what is pct? just kidding.. will post it later, still working on it... i am looking to start this cycle towards the end of March. my right forearm has been bothering me for like the last 4-5 months... took like 6 weeks off in oct-nov 07... messed it up using the straight bar doing curls... thanks again... and yes I will go with 3 vials to be safe....

you should bump the dbol to at least 30mg/day

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Measure out to 0.9 ML and inject.

If you want to stay with just 2 bottles.

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dont do anything before pct is in tact
