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Prop thru slin pin

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Big Daddy D
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buddy of mine wants to know if it's possible to mix prop at whatever mg/ml to be thin enough to run thru a insulin pin (for his gf) no its not me, im married ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks guys, D

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It may be possible with a very thin oil if you heat the oil up to make it thinner before injecting. Tell him to tell her that 25g doesn't hurt a bit after peircing the skin ๐Ÿ™‚

Big Daddy D
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what about something like 25 mg/ml with same amt of bb and ba as 100mg/ml, yes it would sting but it would be thinner correct? I really don't know he mixes the shit i am just trying to get some suggestions to help him out. thanks again, D

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the concentration is really the problem, it is the oil that will have issues going through a needle that small. If needles bother her that much she could always go the transdermal route. Or guy to walmart buy some abasol and put it on the spot before injecting it will help numb it. In all reality though she just needs to suck up the pain and go on and inject with a 25 or 27g needle

Big Daddy D
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hmm ok bro i will relay that, no skin off my ass... ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks, D

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I meant the concentration isn't the problem sorry ๐Ÿ™‚ One last note most of the time the pain from the prop itself the next day is going to be worse than the injection itself.
