is 25mg a day enough they are vey expensive. she is 5-2 about too enter a contest in exactly 7 weeks , just a local amatuar show. her diet and cardio is on key since im the one making her food and training her .last year she loooked fenomanal but too many sides .Anavar didnt agree with her but now i can get a hold of 25mg primobolan tabs is one day enough?
1/2 them Cutie
you think 12.5mg proviron plus 12.5 primobolan tabs plus cardio diet and everything else will be cool the only other thing i was thniking of is 1/4 of a cc of winny zambons on mon wed and fri with slin pin of course
we both are experimenting with gluccoral 1 tab before each carb meal since its low in carbs that enough first time trusting an over the counter product lol heard good things about it
Ripped to be honest w/ you right before a show is NOT the time to experiment w/ what will long is she taking the proviron for? and the slin pin will not get the winstrol deep enough into the muscle and she'll end up w/ cellulitis .... keep it simple... Cutie
well zambons work fine with slin pins ive used it in my early days i just started her on it today at half a pill a day for 2 weeks and see how she reacts she used test before so i dont think it will be a problem
ok hon...wish her luck and let me know how she makes out Cutie
cutie face!!! thanks for the help, greatly appreciated. ill let you know how it goes
cutieeface too yuo think 6 weeks is too lonfg for the proviron she has had no adverse reaction too the low dose im giving her/ omly hlf a tab aday couls she stay on it the whole 6 weeks whats the resoning behin stopping after 2 weeks?