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potential testosterone "amplifier"

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We need to do some more research into this but this study would seem to imply that the addition of a very small amount of this to your diet would amplify the efects of Testosterone at the receptor level.


Triclocarban enhances testosterone action: A new type of endocrine disruptor?
Jiangang Chen, Ki Chang Ahn, Nancy A. Gee, Mohamed I. Mohamed, Antoni J. Duleba, Ling Zhao, Shirley J. Gee, Bruce D. Hammock, and Bill L. Lasley*
Center for Health and the Environment (J.C., N.A.G., B.L.L), Department of Entomology (K.C.A., S.J.G., B.D.H), California National Primate Research Center (N.A.G., B.L.L.), Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, UCD Medical Center (A.J.D.), Department of Nutrition (L.Z), Cancer Research Center (B.D.H.), University of California, Davis, California 95616 and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (M.I.M., A.J.D.), Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

Many xenobiotics have been associated with endocrine effects in a wide range of biological systems. These associations are usually between small non-steroid molecules and steroid receptor signaling systems. In this report, triclocarban (TCC; 3,4,4'-trichlorocarbanilide), a common ingredient in personal care products that is employed as an antimicrobial agent was evaluated and found to represent a new category of endocrine-disrupting substance (EDS). A cell-based androgen receptor-mediated bioassay was used to demonstrate that TCC and other urea compounds with a similar structure, which have little or no endocrine activity when tested alone, act to enhance testosterone (T) induced androgen receptor-mediated transcriptional activity in vitro. This amplification effect of TCC was also apparent in vivo when 0.25% TCC was added to the diet of castrated male rats that were supported by exogenous testosterone treatment for ten days. All male sex accessory organs increased significantly in size following the T+TCC treatment compared to T or TCC treatments alone. The data presented here suggest that the bioactivity of endogenous hormones may be amplified by exposure to commercial personal care products containing sufficient levels of TCC.

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Yeah that does sound good, what is the product theyre talkin


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Posted by: AryanSteel
Yeah that does sound good, what is the product theyre talkin



It is used in many antiseptic/anti-bacterial soaps.

According to a John Hopkins University study, 60 percent of the US water resources is contaminated with it.

http://www.jhsph.edu/publichealthnews/press_releases/2005/halden_triclocarban_triclosan.htm l" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> http://www.jhsph.edu/publichealthne..._triclosan.html

Chances are...........you may be ingesting it already.... without knowing it.

I wonder if this and the hormones fed to beef are some of the reasons why kids are getting bigger and taller with every generation? Just a thought.

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Yeah that does sound good, what is the product theyre talkin


dr frankenstein

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"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Very interesting.

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Ok, I dont post here alot but I got a question for you guys as you all seem to be pretty crisp cookies. How are each and every generation getting bigger and taller with a reduction in the overall hormone count(test for a fact)?????

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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An extract from Matt Ridleys book "Nature via Nurture", chapter "Formative Years":
He is talking about an "accidental experiment" conducted on a vast scale during the 2nd world war in the Dutch city of Arnhem.

"Reichs-kommissar Arthur Seyss-Inquart oredered an embargo on all civilian transport in the country, the result was a devastating famine which lasted for 7 months: the hunger winter tehy called it. More than 10'000 people starved to death. But what later caught the attention of medical researchers was what later happened to unborn babies. Some 40'000 people were foetuses during the famine, and their birthweight and and later health are all on record. In the 1960s a team from Colombia University studied the data. they found all the expected effects of malnourished mothers: malformed babies, high infant death rates and high rates of stillbirth. But they also found that those babies who were in their last trimester of gestation(only) suffered from low birth weight. These babies gre up normal but they later suffered from diabetes, probably brought on by the missmatch between their thrifty phenotype and the abundant rich food of the post-war world.
babies who were in the first 6 months of gestation during the famine were normal in birth weight, but when they reached adulthood, they themselves gave birth to unusually small babies. This bizarre 2nd generation effect is hard to explain with the thrifty phenotype hypothesis, though Pat Bateson notes that locusts take several generations to switch from the shy solitary form with a specialist diet to the swarming, gregarious form with a generalist diet and back again. If it takes humans several generation to switch between thrifty and affluent phenotypes, this explain why Finland has nearly four times the death rate from heart disease as France. The French government began supplementing the rations of pregnant mothers after the Franco-Prussian war of the 1870s. The people of Finland lived in comparative poverty until 50 years ago. Perhaps it is the first two generations to experience abundance who suffer from heart disease. Perhaps that is why the United States is now seeing rapidly falling death rates from heart disease, but Britain, well fed for a shorter time is lagging behind."

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if you lived thru the fifties you would have a bertter understanding, imo it is diet and improved health care but mostly diet. there were no macdonalds, no fast food, no pre-pared foods. you either ate it homemade or you did not eat essentially. nutrition, even bad nutrition beats no nutrition. think bean sandwiches or mayonaise and sugar sandwiches.


Joined: 7 years ago
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Posted by: jboldman
if you lived thru the fifties you would have a bertter understanding, imo it is diet and improved health care but mostly diet. there were no macdonalds, no fast food, no pre-pared foods. you either ate it homemade or you did not eat essentially. nutrition, even bad nutrition beats no nutrition. think bean sandwiches or mayonaise and sugar sandwiches.


That would be my assumption also.

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