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pharmaceutical grade dmso: use to rub on injectables?

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anyone think of this when purity is a concern? instead of possible injection infection, etc, just rub on w/ DMSO?

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im not an expert but i think the hormones need to me injecting into muscles to work. That way they stay there and release over time. If you just rub it on and lets say it gets into the bloodstream wouldn't it just go right threw your system like suspension. I don't know, just throwing it out there


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not so, hormones have been introduced transdermally for years and DMSO is an exellent transdermal aget.


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thanks for the replies...

good would probably get the full dose quick (maybe too quick) so dosing schedule may have to change? i'm just concerned more about DMSO being a safer way to get the gear in the system when it doesn't look like the cleanest product to inject, anyone else wanna chime in?...

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well of course, depending on the impurities, they will pass transderamally as well.


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Apply after a shower is best.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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I have read that DMSO is best used to pre-application of a transdermal, how say thee, jboldman and liftsiron?

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I was also wondering, could one apply, say, Dbol transdermally. The idea of having a, more site specific application is the aim really. I would really like some feedback on this please.

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You want to make sure that whatever you use in a transdermal, it is a base compound. If you use a compound with an ester attached, such as Test Enan, the absorbtion will be greatly reduced because of the higher molecular weight...and the larger the molecule, the harder it is for it to pass through the skin.

With the dbol in a transdermal, I am not quite sure of the actual numbers off the top of my head, but since dbol is a methylated compound, you actually get more of the drug in your blood stream by taking it orally as opposed to a transdermal. Simply because of the lower efficiency of a transdermal.

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Thanks for that info Neuromancer. The transdermal application is fascinating me right now so I have more questions, if you could be of any help muchmuch appreciation. So how would one make the most effective transdermal? Are there different types of transdermal for different products to be delivered? And are there any AAS that would be as good or comparable in absorbtion taken transdermally? Again, many thanks.

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i have never used dbol td, , you could
always just try it and see. test and its esters work just fine with DMSO. The issue reallly is blood levels since you do not have a tradtional dissapating bolus of oil and test to produce your half-life.

DMSO can be irratating to the skin for some so you might want to try it out. I see no reason why trest enanthate two or three times a week via DMSO should not gain good results for someone not wishing to start off with needles.


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dbol may not be a great idea also because if there is fillers (like cellulose or whatever is used) in the tablet, that would also get in the bloodstream

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very true,seems like a poor candidiate.

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I used Dbol as an example because it is cheap and powerful but has way too many sides. If there was a way to make a TD with less sides and site specific, well, I might get some decent calves. I have heard that pure Dbol powder is available to experiment with.

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Testosterone Enanthate has a mw of 400 so it could be used in a transdermal. Dbol(300mw) can also be used but isn't a good candidate because it has high bioavailability due to methylation. As long as the molecular weight is under 500 it should be okay to use. Traditional transdermal formulations provide systematic delivery and not site specific or topical delivery. If you want site specific growth you would have to inject it. Transdermal delivery systems penetrate the stratum corneum and then are absorbed in subsequent lipid layers providing systematic delivery. If you want a site specific delivery system then it requires that the drug pass through the skin and not being absorbed in these layers. I haven't seen a viable topical formula but perhaps BigCat or someone else can provide one for site specific growth.

It seems to achieve higher bioavailability with a trans product you should apply the DMSO pre and post application of the trans. I would not recommend putting pure DMSO on the skin as it will burn your skin. You can add either distilled water or isoprop alcohol to achieve a 10-20% concentration of DMSO.

I also wanted to add that the bioavailability will decrease significantly using a transdermal application versus IM injection, 30% vs 90%.

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