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my last cycle was a only prop cycle did it for 3 months. i never used clomid. ive been clean for 1 and a half months now and my natural test is kicking back again. i dont know but watching porno and getting laid helps a lot if you want to get you boys back to work again.dont you think the same guys?? peace

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You will get your "boys" back eventually whether you do PCT or not. Proper PCT speeds up the process - which allows you fully recover much faster and to keep most of your gains in the long run.

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creatine can help to keep most of the gains right??

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creatine will help mostly with the Psychological aspect. it will hopfuly keep some of the pump that you had before with the real stuff. it's always a good idea to do creatine. i'm not sure if spankin to porno is gonna bring the kids back faster though.

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I don't know if creatine will be a factor - as M3 said - probably psychological. Physiologically - it's irrelevant for keeping your gains. As AS is out of the system - creatine storage is reduced to normal levels. Creatine does not build muscle - you simply deplete your natural creatine level when you do very intense workouts (like running or lifting weights) --- simply having temporaraly extra creatine in your system does not do anything at all. Testosterone is what's needed to keep your muscles. That's what PCT is for - to jump start your natural testosterone production. - The faster it starts - the more muscles you'll keep.

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jay is absolutely correct. creatine will help keep your muscles feeling "full" wich helps after going off a cycle. i'm curious to hear how your prop cycle was... i'm limited on cash so i'm gonna do what i got consisting of 3 omna amps and a 10 cc of ara test. i know i am limited on the prop (50 mg per cc), but still would like to know

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Plasmo, again? Bro, Ill explain it for u, very simply and in lamans terms. When u take gear, your body stops producing testosterone naturaly, because of a normal self regulatory feed back loop. Testosterone is constantly being converted to estrogen, naturally by your body throughout your cycle, hense the real danger of gyno, and other estrogen related sides, as your estrogen levels increase, your body starts to grow female secondary sexual charicteristics, ie nice perky tits. This flow between estrogen and test is back and forth, but more forth...when u stop shooting test, your cycle ends, your body now becomes extrememly unbalanced, your estrogen levels rise, your testosterone levels plummet and your body will not make its own natural test for a certain refractory period. This period is based both on personal factors, age, cycle length, diet and a host of other things. All of this means, that after your cycle, all of that wonderful test that created first an anabolic then later an anti-catabolic state in your muscles has been replaced by very high levels of muscle eating and tit forming estrogen. Now there are other things involved including cortisol levels, and tendon and ligament effects of AS that also play a role. But suffice it to say, u start to lose the muscle gained, and rapidly, and there is really not alot u can do, without supplimenting. U can mask it by taking creatine, which will just blow your muscles up full of water, but not stop the catabolism. But when it comes right down to it, u will lose most, if not all of your gains. UNLESS. U start a Post Cycle Therapy that involves using an antiestrogen, that inhibits the estrogen being formed in your body and also helps recharge, if u will, your natural test production and get your HPTA back in working order. U can do all sorts of things, run clomid, stack it with nolva, letro, ari, GH, clen, take HCG during cylce, and after...But by what u are saying bro, u dont have a fucking clue what real PCT therapy is....hell even horny goat weed and trib will help u out. Boning your GF, provided u can still get it up, and wanking off to porn are by far the LAST resorts for trying to get your boys back. I would recommend u do some serious research before u start juicing again, in regards to clomid, anti-e's in general, PCT therapy, natural test levels, steroid effects on the body, diet...the list goes on and on..... Ive noticed several of your threads bro, and u seem to be stumbling around in the dark. Dont "pretend" to know what your talking about, its hard for us to really give u good advice. Come out and be honest, AFTER u look shit up, and read stuff for yourself. This isnt intended to be a hard core flame bro, im trying to help, but sometimes a bro needs a slap in the right direction. GET READING!

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LOL - great post, Valkyl It's funny - but in the reality it's a great advice for a lot of people on this board.

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sure i know about clomid as a pct but what i was saying is that if you increase your sex life that could help you with your testosterone level and thats a FACT you guys take my words too seriously maybe is because im latin american and we like to use as less drugs as possible just to keep things right and dont become a walking drugstore and i was using PROP test a fast acting gear i i really didnt need CLOMID. soon ill be posting my pics and you will understand what am talking about thats for you valkyl want some latin love?? peace and love americans fellows

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latin lover, what the bro was trying to tell you is that when you finish your cycle, there are some things that are pretty standard fare and thats pct utilizing clomid and various other drugs to help your body normalize more quickly. test is test and you just finished a cycle that was 12 weeks long so fast acting or not, your boys were affected as well as your HPTA. that means that you were shut down. now its been 6 weeks and i'm glad you have recovered enough to jerk off to porn but i would not rely on that route. i would think that while you did well and sound like you are satisfied with your results, there is a possibility that your results would have been that much greater. one more thing, no more of that homo stuff offering up love to the bros, thats sick...

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I give up. Officially.

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Posted by: @valkyl

I give up. Officially.

Lol... 🤣 

This post was modified 2 months ago by Admin

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shit i thought that valkyl was a woman sorry then but man pick up another name.maybe i should look for a latin board for good.

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anyways i apologize to the board im just practicing my english with time ill be able to comunicate better. peace and props to the sport
