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oxycontin 80's...

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but public perception is key bro. just like it is in anything else. it is the way something is done, or the people involved in it. heroin typically has junkie dirty people track markes and living in boxes, where oxy is more of a prescribed drug and most users do not abuse it. most users actually need it medicinally for their own health and well being and quality of life. but heroin has never ever been prescriobed to better anyones life. perception is everything bro

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Guys, if you're going to use Oxycontin for rec purposes, just use heroin. It's cheaper and easier to get. They both produce eurphoria and pain killing effects by metabolizing into morphine, an opiate. Oxycontin=Expensive Heroin in a tablet

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yeah they make the prices but 40$ at least around here is the most anyone will pay for them so if hes getting the for say 15$ for 50 of them(assuming he has insurance) then i find that greedy to charge the maximum price. now if i gotem that cheap i would think selling all of them quick and charge 30$ but mabe thats just cause i wantem for 30$:D

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so what your telling me is, sionce YOU would want to pay 30 for them, you would sell them for 30? Ok, well, I want to buy a bottle of aratest for 25, so why dont you get yours out and ship it to me. And i dont want to pay extra for shipping. Does that even seem realistic? Shit no. Around here they go for 1 buck per milligram. And there is serious risk associated with them. And i dont get 80's for 15 each. I dont have a prescirption either. ANd even if i did, we are talking about cash dude. What fucking guy would say, hmmm, i have 30 of them sitting here. I bought them for say 25 each hypothetically. So i could sell them for 900, and pocket $150, OR i could sell them for 60 each and make 1800, with after cost having $1050 cash profit? What guy isnt going to take the most moeny he can get. i am sure wher eyou are, you can get them like candy at the corner store, so for you, of course what we want for them is too much. And hopefully for everyones sake, including mine, you will start sourcing them for what we want to pay for them instead of worrying about that stupid little thing called profit. But until then, there are few people who can get them regularly. And even fewer who do get them, and want to part ways with them. I was simply saying, i get 30 monthly for my pain, not by prescription either. my best friend is a doctor and he gets them and gives his to me. I do not want to use them since i got a script for vicadin, and i like that better for me. Just speaking for me, i am more comfortable taking something that doesnt last so long in the system. So i want to get rid of my lot. Hopefully someone wants them and wants someone to ho0ok them up every month. then they can email me

Rebel Juice
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Originally posted by stonerocky so what your telling me is, sionce YOU would want to pay 30 for them, you would sell them for 30? Ok, well, I want to buy a bottle of aratest for 25, so why dont you get yours out and ship it to me. And i dont want to pay extra for shipping. Does that even seem realistic? Shit no. Around here they go for 1 buck per milligram. And there is serious risk associated with them. And i dont get 80's for 15 each. I dont have a prescirption either. ANd even if i did, we are talking about cash dude. What ing guy would say, hmmm, i have 30 of them sitting here. I bought them for say 25 each hypothetically. So i could sell them for 900, and pocket $150, OR i could sell them for 60 each and make 1800, with after cost having $1050 cash profit? What guy isnt going to take the most moeny he can get. i am sure wher eyou are, you can get them like candy at the corner store, so for you, of course what we want for them is too much. And hopefully for everyones sake, including mine, you will start sourcing them for what we want to pay for them instead of worrying about that stupid little thing called profit. But until then, there are few people who can get them regularly. And even fewer who do get them, and want to part ways with them. I was simply saying, i get 30 monthly for my pain, not by prescription either. my best friend is a doctor and he gets them and gives his to me. I do not want to use them since i got a script for vicadin, and i like that better for me. Just speaking for me, i am more comfortable taking something that doesnt last so long in the system. So i want to get rid of my lot. Hopefully someone wants them and wants someone to ho0ok them up every month. then they can email me It's strange why would you want something that does not last long.And even if you want that you can just snort them and they'll won't last long.

Rebel Juice
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Originally posted by Pinz This is rediculous $40 for a pill. You can get a bag of Heroin for $4 where i live. And 3 bags will get you higher than the oxys. They are both opiates. Same high. It makes me laugh how people will take an oxy and it is OK but if someone does heroin they are a loser. THEY ARE THE SAME THING. There are 2 things: 1.Not everybody lives in your area. 2.When you buy shit on the street you don't know what's really in it and how many mg's of the real substance are in there besides the fillers that could be god knows what. With pharmaceutical grade substances you know exactly what you get and how much.

Rebel Juice
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It seems that mostly FL prices are discussed here.You gotta keep in mind that Florida and Ihio ( i know that for fact ) have had many phramacies break-ins in resent months and what you see on the streets are apparently those stolen tabs.After they are sold prices will change.One script holder here another there selling theyr 30-60 tabs a month don't make a difference.

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i dont waste my time on pissing matches on the board especially about oxys but man you pay 60$ for a 80 bro id hit my boy who hasem if he tried me on that price but im not gonna waste my time to see who can piss further so =fu off bro

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