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using a three cc syringe and filling with 2ml of deca and 1ml of sust gets pretty crowded, do you guys use larger syringes?

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I've been using 5ml syringes lately as I've been injecting 4 or 5 ml's per shot. Keep in mind, the larger the syringe barrel the less pressure it builds up internally and it makes it difficult to physically push the liquid through the needle. Glute shots can be a little bit frustrating, trying to reach back behind you to get a good grip on the plunger. If you're only doing 3ml's you should be fine with a 3ml syringe, there is always a little bit of extra room in the barrel.

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Thanks Crimescene, i just started my second cycle; 500 test and 400deca a wk with 40 Dbol a day for a few. anyway in the bathroom the stuff was dripping out of the needle when i would fill up from the two diff vials, i dont suppose i wasted much from the drips but i wasn't able to get all of the juice from the bottom of each vial also. i was affraid of pulling too much on the plunger and having it pull out of the barrel. any tips on this?

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I never ran into a problem putting 3ml's into a 3ml syringe. As for getting everything out of the vial, all you can do is turn the bottle upside down and put the needle in just enough to draw out as much as you can.

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wtf...a 5cc syringe...I hope that's not doing site injects..haha, seems like you are marinating or basting turkey
