oral 1-test or inje...
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oral 1-test or inject?

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I have used AAS quite extensivley. I have also used injectable and oral PHs. Oral 1-Test does work. You are simply ignorant on the subject to comment. As far as my credibility, Im a mod at superiormuscle and steroidsupport, so Im no idiot. Im not one of those "roids only baby, PHs don't work" Why? Because I dont spout off at the mouth unless I know from experience. Ask Nandi12, the admin from CEM if PHs work. He is probaly one of the smartest guys on the net. He was skeptical, but after trying a transdermal PH, he is a believer. But he didnt go spouting off like you did first. Notice I said one of the smartest guys on the net. If pure ignorance was a crime.....

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Relax bro if you read any of my posts you'd know I never tried injectables or transdermal. Oral PH's dont go over to well on Bolex. They've made lots of enemies here. Maybe we are too ignorant to know how to use them.....LOL Or we are smart enough to see thorugh the fake testimonials in muscle mags. This thread is almost as dumb as the 'deca only' thread....LOL I dont know why I bother posting in this forum sometimes. Oh well, really to each his own. I have no probs with people using PH's, I just never will again. No need for you proPH guys to start insulting us. Especially with a first post ever on the board

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Originally posted by prolangtum I have used AAS quite extensivley. I have also used injectable and oral PHs. Oral 1-Test does work. You are simply ignorant on the subject to comment. As far as my credibility, Im a mod at superiormuscle and steroidsupport, so Im no idiot. Im not one of those "roids only baby, PHs don't work" Why? Because I dont spout off at the mouth unless I know from experience. Ask Nandi12, the admin from CEM if PHs work. He is probaly one of the smartest guys on the net. He was skeptical, but after trying a transdermal PH, he is a believer. But he didnt go spouting off like you did first. Notice I said one of the smartest guys on the net. If pure ignorance was a crime..... Welcome to Bolex by the way.

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I qouted this once before but I will post it again: Originally posted by BigKev oral 1-test(hypothetically saying it will work) would be ineffective orally unless you took hands full of them because they arent 17aa and would be broken down by your body, thats a fact. and it would aromatize, if it doesnt it would be being converted to test now would it? the stuff is a waste, and if your gonna home brew it(i assume your injecting) why not just get the real thing and make some gains? Listen to the Big Man if you wont listen to the littlewilly(LOL). Experience is far more important then any lab study or paid testimonial IMO. And in my 12 years of training my honest opinion is THEY DO NOT WORK as promised. But this argument, like spot injections, will probably go on forever....so I'm just going to agree to disagree with Fast and That New guy and move on....We've wasted to much time already.....

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Bros, Bros,.........I myself have tried both the early versions of oral PH and the newest inj. I personally think that I wasted my hard earned money on the oral back in the day. I recently got the 1-test inj from Dazed. I was afraid to get it due to the fact that I got hardly no results when I tried the orals a few years ago. I don't know how far they have come now on trying to get this to be a better product. Now the 1-test inj has worked well for me. But I am only one person. These things,IMO,don't work the same for everyones chemistry. I am happy with the results I have gotten, so happy I ordered another one from Dazed. But if it works for the person then so be it. Tren has helped me out quite a bit, and the 1-test just kinda put the icing on for me. Now as far as the orals go, I myself would not waste my money on those again.

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On PH sides: do you not get sides on "real" gear? Sure you do; you probably know how to minimize them. If hairloss is a problem, there's spiro and nizoral, along with 5-ar inhibitors. If you're prone to gyno,nolva and its anti-e friends, and Arimidex and its anti-aromatase friends are at your disposal. Acne, anger, depression, you name it: there's something or some way to minimize it. It's not like PHs are going to have worse sides. The whole "more sides, less results" is just a stupid myth. "Less sides, less results" is a little more accurate. If someone were to run nolva or a-dex with a PH cycle, would they get gyno? Probably not, but if they did, they'd have as much or more of a chance of getting it with gear as well. On the insults: Littlewilly, I can understand you not liking to be called ignorant. I don't think anyone does. But 1fast did point out to you that he felt you were ignorant and not stupid; that is, you don't know YET, and if you'd look into it beyond just "listen bro, myself and 1000's of other bro's don't like them" even though you and the rest may not have explored the most effective options. Like I said in the thread on the main board...if I were to take testosterone powder orally, do you think I'd be happy with my results? And would it be right for me to say "Dude, testosterone is garbage. I took 500mg daily of that shit and I got nothing"? No, because test has a poor oral bioavailability (even worse than that of 1-test) and it'd be ignorance on my fault to be saying that. However, if you choose to not research, especially when someone gives you a link to just one thread of thousands out there showing positive results...basically, if you consciously choose to remain ignorant of it when the information is out there, you ARE being stupid. On BigKev's comment: Read my reply to him on that thread. If you continue to go ONLY on experience (it's a good thing to look at and know, but don't depend on it), you're going to be led way off the path of "true stuff." Going by experience tells me that it's possible for me to either blow up on Nitro Tech and Cell Tech beyond regular protein/creatine because some idiots say they're so much better than regular protein and creatine/dextrose, or experience also tells me that they're both totally shit products, not even useful for what they are (protein and creatine). Science, though, gives me the right answer: Nitro Tech will act just like any other protein supplement...not really any better, but not any worse. Cell Tech will act just like creatine, dextrose, taurine, and their other goodies (not counting ALA - the whole exposure to air/low dose has been beaten to death). The products aren't bad, just sorta vanilla (pun intended in reference to the vanilla flavor option). But like I said...experience would have me believe that I would either blow up beyond regular protein and creatine, or that the products would be totally ineffective..both of which are totally untrue.

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