oral 1-test or inje...
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oral 1-test or inject?

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i want to try 1-test since i have heard so many good things about it, but am nervous about injecting. i heard 1-T Ethergels are good orals, and i heard dazed's solution ( http://www.eagleresearch.biz) is good for injections. im not sure what to try or what dosages to take (specifically for injections) any input would be appreciated

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Never used injectable PH's so I cant comment there but orally it would be a waste for sure. I think there was a thread awhile back on the injectables try running a search maybe you can find some opinions on it.

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Originally posted by college_lifter i want to try 1-test since i have heard so many good things about it, but am nervous about injecting. i heard 1-T Ethergels are good orals, and i heard dazed's solution ( http://www.eagleresearch.biz) is good for injections. im not sure what to try or what dosages to take (specifically for injections) any input would be appreciated Yes, injecting will be more effective, but tons of people have made excellent gains on oral 1-Test!!

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There was a thread on the mainboard a few days ago. DOnt run it orally it doesn't work. Supp company BS. Everyone who responded to the thread agreed its a scam But used for injection it may have some value I really am not sure. Never tried it that way.

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Originally posted by littlewilly There was a thread on the mainboard a few days ago. DOnt run it orally it doesn't work. Supp company BS. Everyone who responded to the thread agreed its a scam But used for injection it may have some value I really am not sure. Never tried it that way. Totally disagree here! 1-AD works orally...1-Test works better orally. I have put on many lbs of muscle from oral 1-Test and so have thousands of others. Everyone that I know that has used a good 1-Test oral product has gained NO LESS than 5 solid lbs in 6 weeks and some as much as 10-12 lbs.

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I suppose anything is possible. Everyone responds differently for sure.. But most users report zero gains from 1ad or 1test. Like I said if you want to take a look on the main board tons of info from angry users....LOL

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I have used Ergopharm 1-AD and German American Testagen Depot. I made zero gains from either one. Most others on the board say the same thing. I would think anyone reporting gains is saying so because they have something to benefit from you buying the PH's. For same price you could get some real gear and make much better gains. Also have nearly the same side effects.

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Originally posted by acidsk8 I have used Ergopharm 1-AD and German American Testagen Depot. I made zero gains from either one. Most others on the board say the same thing. I would think anyone reporting gains is saying so because they have something to benefit from you buying the PH's. For same price you could get some real gear and make much better gains. Also have nearly the same side effects. Can't argue with YOUR lack of results, but can send you to other boards where the feedback on PHs is excellent overall.

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It is total garbage anyone saying otherwsie is nuts. This refers to it being taken orally. Here is a quote from the Big Man himself: Originally posted by BigKev oral 1-test(hypothetically saying it will work) would be ineffective orally unless you took hands full of them because they arent 17aa and would be broken down by your body, thats a fact. and it would aromatize, if it doesnt it would be being converted to test now would it? the stuff is a waste, and if your gonna home brew it(i assume your injecting) why not just get the real thing and make some gains? Dont use it orally IT IS USELESS. That is a fact. Do a serch on injectables if you want to as I have never tried it this way and some people seem to like it. But forget the oral route for sure. Originally posted by BigKev 1-test is crap, a waste of money. it is by no means "real gear".

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Amen to that!!! I know over on EliteFitness there view of Oral PH's seems to be the same. If you really had to take a pill you could probably take a really weak gear like Anavar alone and make much better gains for the same price.

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Orally, what if you were able to get a dosage of the 1-test absorbed through the lymphatic reagion of the GI tract? Wouldn't it Bypass the liver and keep it from Aromatizing? If the serving of an oral 1-Test is kept at 1.0cc and is in a solution that binds to the Lymphnode, then it should, hypothetically, mimic an injection.

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1-Test is actually a documented steroid. It does not need to convert to anything...it is active as is. While it is not 100% bioavailable, you still get enough of the active compound into your bloodstream to affect muscle growth. There is no placebo effect taking place when people are gaining 5, 10, 15 lbs off of the stuff. The feedback is out there by the ton, the sales are repeat, the stuff works, end of story. And VPXs is the best, except for the new methylated versions.

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Originally posted by bodyfx2 There is no placebo effect taking place when people are gaining 5, 10, 15 lbs off of the stuff. The feedback is out there by the ton, the sales are repeat, the stuff works, end of story. I'm sure its not a placebo, but I'm also sure no one has gained 15lbs off this worthless supp. No one likes it bro sorry, do a search its crap. Not just my opinion either but virtually everyones opinion. Listen to Big Kev. THIS PRODUCT IS A SCAM. That is a fact.

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Sales dont tell the whole story how many people get ripped off buying insanse supplements everyday. Also when you go ask the average person about gear how many are going to come up with some outlandish story like "That stuff shrinks your dick man". So instead people go buy PH's which some say work. But now do a search on them here on the boards and weigh the positive comments to the negative ones...

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Agreed sales just means there are lots of unhappy people out there. I've talked to many of them in person and via PM. Trust us everyone should steer clear of this stuff. When used orally IT DOES NOT WORK period. Do a search for yourself if you doubt us..tons and tons of bad reviews for PH supps. I have never tried injecting it myself so I dont know about that route...

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