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found this on !!!!!!! site

Written by Phreezer

Here’s some info for guys who want to gain 20-25lbs on a cycle:

Everyone wants to know how to gain high poundages on a cycle. We’ve all got a “friend” in a gym somewhere that gained 25lbs on his last cycle and we want to do the same. We ask ourselves…What is his secret? Is the juice he’s taking that good? Is it a good diet in conjunction with the test.. is that what is responsible? Well, here’s the answer.. NO, his particular anabolic compound of choice be it sustanon,winstrol, Dbol, Tren, etc… isn’t so great that whoever takes one of those compounds will grow.. nor is his diet so “on” that he will gain more than us.

Here’s the truth.. and some of you won’t like it.. Some of you may even get pissed off.. The reason these guys grow so much on their cycles is because they shouldn’t even be using steroids to begin with… And that’s the truth… That may sound a bit confusing.. yes? Well allow me to elaborate…

You take a 20 yr old male. He has been lifting on and off for six months or so… He’s about 6 foot tall maybe a little shorter.. 5’10” or so.. He weighs about 165lbs.. He’s got a little bit of definition.. nothing big.. when his shirt is off people can tell he’s been working out.. He decides one day that he wants to take steroids, He sees the really big guys in the gym and he wants to be like them right now.. he doesn’t want to wait any longer.. in his mind six months has been long enough.. So he gets on the internet.. he finds a message board similar to this one.. he reads a little .. finds a hook up.. and decides to run 250mg of test and 300mg of deca for two months and ends up weighing around 185 or 190.. All of his friends are amazed.. he’s amazed He’s put on some size.. he looks like a weight lifter.. he doesn’t look like someone who could compete.. but he looks like he’s finally arrived on the Body building scene… His closest friends are so impressed that they want to run the exact same cycle .. He tells them exactly what he did.. how he ate..etc… Now, a few months go by.. all of a sudden the kid is back to around 165 maybe 170.. He thinks.. “Oh man.. I’ve got to get back on cycle.. I need those drugs to be big.. if I don’t.. I just can’t grow… Steroids require that I stay on all the time to maintain the kind of size that I want”… I guess that’s what he has to do; huh; stay on all the time?

Now, here’s the reason he gained 25lbs on his cycle.. He was so far from his genetic potential that once the anabolic compounds were introduced into his system he grew like a weed.. His body didn’t need to struggle to put on that mass, because it was quite capable of adding that much mass naturally.. The steroids just sped it up..

it is for lack of a better or more accurate word.. a short cut to get to where he could have gotten natural anyway. His inevitable weight loss after coming off his "super" cycle wasn’t from the lack of steroids.. it was from a lack of a proper foundation.. a Lack of proper training skills, and a lack of muscular maturation…

Here’s the deal.. guys who need steroids aren’t the guys who are growing 25+lbs per cycle.. they are gaining 10lbs and hopefully keeping 5-8.. They are struggling to even do that.. I’ll tell you from personal experience.. I am 30 yrs old 6’2” .. I am 284lbs currently.. I am 17% BF (I’m a powerlifter/strongman.. so I keep a little extra fat on me)…If I wanted to keep the same body fat % I have now and weigh 300lbs.. I would have to run a very long cycle..or in all honesty it will take me two full cycles to get to 3 bills..

An average cycle for me is about 750mg Test, 450mg Deca, 300mg EQ and Some Dbol in the front and at the end… Those are some fairly heavy dosages...Why don’t I gain 25lbs per cycle?

Because No matter how much gear I take.. no matter how much I eat.. my body is so far beyond it’s genetic potential that I simply can’t add that kind of radical mass anymore..

My body does a fairly good job of maintaining mass when I’m not on cycle.. but I do drop weight regardless.. and in truth, the only reason my body maintains it’s size as well as it does is because of Muscle maturation.. My body is used to carrying around that muscle.. it’s not a shock to my body to carry it around.. And I built a solid mass foundation naturally years ago.. I reached my genetic potential before I started using juice.. Lifting was a habbit and a lifestyle for me because I played football from Junior high through College.

I’ve worked out in gyms all over the country.. and I have been doing so for the better part of a decade.. and I'll tell you, I have seen a lot of little guys blow up for a couple of months from a cycle only to deflate a couple of months later..It's the truth.. Muscle Maturation plays a huge key in keeping mass... that and proper training skills.. (and no hitting bench 3 days a week and squating once every few months doesn't count)

So in truth, when you hear about some guy who gained 25-30lbs off of a cycle.. Please keep in mind that he is probably some impatient tiny punk that could have easily gained the same amount of muscle had he just been a little more patient.. If he had just been focused on learning how to train.. focused on how to eat…

This is a lifestyle.. there are no short cuts if you want to be the real deal.... There will never be a fly by nighter even win the smallest amateur comp in booney fu*king Iowa if he hasn't been serious for years...

It's important that you guys learn that Juice may seem like the best short cut in the beginning... but whenever you add that much mass that quickly from gear.. Your body isn’t goint to be ready for it.. it will literally fight you to keep it.. the sudden size and strength will stress the ligaments, tendons, bones and central nervous system and Your body will do everything that it can to shed those rapid muscle gains.. Decent muscle mass is only kept through time and hard work (cough.. cough.. it's a cliche.. but it's still true).. and it's important that your gains aren't so fast that the body can't adjust healthfuly to it’s new weight gain..

I've been on the boards for years.. and I'll tell you, 80% of the people on these boards are wannabes and posers.. they are guys who won’t even be working out six months from now.. They are impatient and are looking for the shortcut.. they may even get a few short term results.. but in the long run they will come out behind everyone else..(and when I say long run.. i mean less than a year or two)

These kind of guys will never be anything more than a hobbyist.. and in truth...that is probably the case in every other aspect of their lives as well, not just weight lifting..

So in the end my advice is this.. if you are wanting to add some mass..and you’re stuck.. learn a different training method.. change your diet.. and if you’re a good size.. (that’s when everyone who is in the room with you knows you’re a weight lifter.. if you walk in a room, and everyone in there doesn’t know that you lift… you are not ready for steroids) then come and sit down.. and we’ll talk about steroids.. until then… Learn how to train.. learn how to eat.. and spend some time in the gym.. you’ll be so much better off in the end…

intresting eh !!!!!!!!


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this certainly has some merit in it however i am always suspicious of anyoen who claims to gain 20+ bls of muscle in a single cycle. My guess is it is mostly water weight and fat.


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Posted by: jboldman
this certainly has some merit in it however i am always suspicious of anyoen who claims to gain 20+ bls of muscle in a single cycle. My guess is it is mostly water weight and fat.


i agree with you do you think this is true
These kind of guys will never be anything more than a hobbyist.. and in truth...that is probably the case in every other aspect of their lives as well, not just weight lifting..

So in the end my advice is this.. if you are wanting to add some mass..and you’re stuck.. learn a different training method.. change your diet.. and if you’re a good size.. (that’s when everyone who is in the room with you knows you’re a weight lifter.. if you walk in a room, and everyone in there doesn’t know that you lift… you are not ready for steroids) then come and sit down.. and we’ll talk about steroids.. until then… Learn how to train.. learn how to eat.. and spend some time in the gym.. you’ll be so much better off in the end…

what you think


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i think your advice is sound. wrt the post, any generalization is rarely true. You can not lump all together, someone may start taking steroids before they have trained properly but that is not to say that they can not eventually start training and eating correctly along with the steroids and progress the way they should. THere are many paths to our destiny.


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hi jb......
well both posts were copys from another site by a mod ...i found browsing through them made some intresting reading especially on different peoples opinions on aas,some of them really do need sopme help dont they !!

take care Adrian


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Well I persdonally dont agree with the fact that 165 pounds is too early to juice. I'm 28, used to be 155 pounds. With juice whacked it up 18 pounds over 6 months (2 week cycles) at 9% bf. So far I'm holding steady on weight gain, a couple of months down the line.

Bearin mind my diet has improved somewhat, btu that comes with the territory. Even before doing juice at 155lbs I was benching 110 kg, squatting 160, leg press 450kg, so no one could tell me I was weak.
I have an extremely small and fine all comes down to the individual. I've seen many 185 lbs 15% bf people on different boards juicing, not looking like they have been in the gym more than 6 months.

So I'll have to agree, generalising is dangerous - it woudl have excluded me from the equation - which I don't think woulda been fair

my 2p.

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Posted by: Zircon
Well I persdonally dont agree with the fact that 165 pounds is too early to juice. I'm 28, used to be 155 pounds. With juice whacked it up 18 pounds over 6 months (2 week cycles) at 9% bf. So far I'm holding steady on weight gain, a couple of months down the line.

Bearin mind my diet has improved somewhat, btu that comes with the territory. Even before doing juice at 155lbs I was benching 110 kg, squatting 160, leg press 450kg, so no one could tell me I was weak.
I have an extremely small and fine all comes down to the individual. I've seen many 185 lbs 15% bf people on different boards juicing, not looking like they have been in the gym more than 6 months.

So I'll have to agree, generalising is dangerous - it woudl have excluded me from the equation - which I don't think woulda been fair

my 2p.

yes have hit it rite on the head ..its all down to the individual this is what i was trying to tell a mod on another site ......................take care


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see now this is where a beginner would be baffled.....

above i have posted 2 posts from another site again different advice on one a beginner who wants advice will browse through many sites and come out in tears because there are one lot saying you should do this and on the other hand you have others saying "oh no you definitely shouldnt do that""

who do they believe .......this is why i copied the posts to see if anyone disagrees (didnt take long did it) my friends boy asked me "why dont they have a place where all new people can ask questions and advice from the same people instead of reading all different ones " good question i think !!!! then at least they will be getting advice from trusted members ..same same ...

i mean on here for have jb..liftsiron..big w...bellina ..jguns ..and of corse the good old doc ...
wouldnt it be better for these caliper of respected members to give advice say "on a sticky" to beginners ....

