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number of vials to buy?

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alright well ive been reasearching all this stuff for about 3 weeks now. heres my cycle plan:

Wek 1-4 40mg SuperDrol/day
Week 1-10 Test E 500mg/wk split in to two doses 1mon mornind 1thurs evening
Wek 1-10 .25g letro/dy
PCT clomid therapy 100mg aday for week1then taper downfor 4 weeks
Nolvadex to cover estrogen rebound during PCT!

Ok, ive researched everything...except the needles part, which im about to get into before i buy anything.

first of all, what type of needles are the best? im not a big fan of em, but i can get over it. i wanted to just take Dbole and some nolva, but was convinced out of it.

anyhow, if im taking 500 mg/wk, for 10 weeks, thats 50,000 mg. how many 10 ml of the BD vials is that? please respond! i know i probably sound like a newbie, sorry!!!

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BD Test E is supplied 250mg per ml in a 10ml bottle.

1 bottle @ 500mg EW will last you 5 weeks.

* 1ml = 1cc on the syringe

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Posted by: OneManArmy
anyhow, if im taking 500 mg/wk, for 10 weeks, thats 50,000 mg. how many 10 ml of the BD vials is that? please respond! i know i probably sound like a newbie, sorry!!!

if you are taking 2 shots/wk & assuming it is 250mgs/ml, then you would need (2) 10ml bottles...if you want to be safe get (3) 10ml bottles then you will have a little extra & could use it next cycle...i always like to have more than enough incase i screw something up or break something but that's just me...

*Disclaimer*: 'GiantKilr' is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by 'GiantKilr' is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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thanks fellas. one more thing - what have you all heard about superdrol? ive heard great things about it, but now i was thinking of taking tbol instead of it.

oh, and what about the needles? when i look, i see 18g x1/2, 23g x 1/2, 25g x 1...what does all this mean? id like to get the one that pokes the shit out of me the

im going to do some lookin around for this now, but if anybody knows and its simple, id appreciate it. thanks.

Happy Gilmore
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Posted by: OneManArmy
thanks fellas. one more thing - what have you all heard about superdrol? ive heard great things about it, but now i was thinking of taking tbol instead of it.

oh, and what about the needles? when i look, i see 18g x1/2, 23g x 1/2, 25g x 1...what does all this mean? id like to get the one that pokes the shit out of me the

im going to do some lookin around for this now, but if anybody knows and its simple, id appreciate it. thanks.

Bro I have never used Superdrol but I am using TBol now and loving it, from what I have heard you cannot go wrong with Tbol, good solid gains, min sides.


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I have used Superdrol and my friend just came off and got good results, but they say it is harder on your liver then d-bol or t-bol and d-bol is cheaper 100 for $28. Alot of people like the t-bol better cause they get leaner gains but I have a fast metabolism and don't mind the bloat and water wait so I like d-bol. I did a test-e and d-bol cycle and gained about 30lbs I was 170lb and went to 203lb I am currently 195. Needles on the other hand the lower the gauge the larger the needle(thick) you can push a golfball through it They call them cannons. I use 23g but alot of people prefer 25g cause it's really thin and you can't push the oil in that fast which causes less soreness. The length depends on were glute 1 1/2, shoulders 1" or 5/8", quads 1" or 1 1/2. You can purchase the 23g 1 1/2 combo which is the whole syringe and buy 23 1" needles and just swap out the size of pin you want. For ex: if you are going into your glute you want the 1 1/2 so draw the oil from the vial with a 1" and then replace with the 1 1/2 for injection. I hope all this helps I went a little in to detail for easy understanding.

Feel free ask anymore questions cause "The only the stupid question is the on that isn't asked" especially when it comes to gear!!

Later bro and Good Luck

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alright. so this is my plan now.

im going to get some 25g 1 1/2" for injecting, and some 18g needles for drawing the juice out...hear its alot easier to draw. then:

1-6: 40 mg Tbol ED (is that enough? or should i go 60 mg)
1-10: Test E 500mg/wk split in to two doses 1mon morn 1thurs evening
Wek 1-10 .25g letro/dy
PCT Clomid therapy

hows that?

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Posted by: OneManArmy
1-6:40 mg Tbol ED (is that enough? or should i go 60 mg)
1-10:Test E 500mg/wk split in to two doses 1mon morn 1thurs evening
Wek 1-10 .25g letro/dy
PCT Clomid therapy

hows that?

I like
1-4 tbol 50mg ed
1-12 test e 500mg
9-12 tbol 30mg ed

Considering your test e will take about 5 weeks to kick in you get a solid 4 weeks from the tbol at the start then 7 weeks off your test e.

The tbol at the end will ensure you keep your gains. Then wait your 3-4 weeks for PCT.
Just my 2cents.

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alright so im gonna wait till 2weeks after my cycle to start the clomid and the nolva. but at that time im going to be in long as its just clomid and nolva, is it ok to bring those on planes?

another thing...what do you reccomend as dosage for both?
