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Hey bro's and gals. I am finally into pins, had a guy show me the proper way and I'm off.... Anyhow; I took my first shot of test E250mg. I also took 11OXO 4caps (which are apparently not supposed to convert). One day later my left nipple was killing me, really really sore and a bit swollen but hard to tell because I have nipple rings so... I THINK I have a pre-existing condition with gyno I THINK, not sure though. Had a lump there a year ago and was on a PH at the time I think but can't remember which one. it went away. I didn't have a distinctive lump there a few days ago but sore a s hell. I popped some clomids and have been taking nolva as I just finished a Tbol only cycle of 30mg/day for about 6 weeks. Is this gyno? Could the test shot have caused it? And, should I take nolva throughout my test cycle? I am going to do about 250mg/4-5days..?
Should I add anything to this cycle? Don't want to get MASSIVE but do want to get bigger.

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i'm a bit confused in regards to your current cycle, what do you mean by250mg/4-5 days? i think running a prohormone is a waste of money and dangerous to your health. especially if youre running test e250. why not spend the cash on something thats been proven to work? anyways, if you could lay out your cycle, dosages, length, etc, we'd be in a better position to help you. how long ago did you finish you tbol only cycle? also when you said you popped some clomids, how many is some? please also include your stats too.

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Hey Bro, this is a disturbing post. You're mid cycle asking what you should add, and how to get rid of gyno? The steroid part is easy, it's everything else that you have to get 100%. Visions laid out EXACTLY how to run your ancillries while on a cycle in the pct section, do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to read it.

Gyno is caused by the testosterone you injected aromitizing into estrogen. Nolvadex fights with the estrogen for space on your receptors, but Arimidex or Aromasin prevent aromatization in the first place.

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ok here I'll lay it out.
- I am currently on my second shot of 1cc (250mg) of test E
- I am taking 259mg every 4 or 5 days
- Tbol ONLY cycle was 8 weeks. I stopped that cycle 1.5 weeks ago. Nolva at 50mg/day followed
- After my first 250mg shot of test E My left nipple was sore as hell 1.5 days after the shot. Shot was done in my right delt
- As soon as it got sore I took 1 25mg clomid and 4 hours later I took another 25mg clomid along with a nolva and a proviron 25mg.
- I took a 25 mg clomid tab every 6 hours. I took a 25 mg proviron every 6 hours and a 25mg nolva evry 8 hours for 1.5 days. I am still taking the nolva but only at 50mg/day and proviron at 50mg/day.

I am 220 pounds. Some fat but not alot. Been lifting for 13 years. Have done a dbol cycle before but a very long time ago. I consume about 120 grams /protein per day.
I hope this is enough info and laid out enough.?

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And concurrently, what do I do about the gyno issue? I believe it's gyno. Soreness is completely gone. Nipple looks SLIGHTLY swollen but not much at all. VERY small lump behind the nipple. Will taking the 250mg of test E fuvk me up and make me have gyno? Will it go away or is it too late? The only thing I would change or add would be to add back in my tbols but not for another 2 weeks or so. I also thought of switching to test??? A mix of tests that is less likely to cause gyno or to store fat....
Cheers and thanks

El Mucho
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I think you should stop taking the Test E and get your body back up to par before you take any more juice. If you just finished an 8 week Tbol cycle then your balls are more than likely not making testosterone and you're only taking Nolva, so you've probably got too much estrogen in your body. Take a couple months off of everything and then start a Test E cycle. Don't just start injecting stuff just because you happen to have it and you want to use it right away. Getting the most out of steroids has a lot to do with timing. Get some Clen or ECA and use that for a while. It'll keep you strong and help you burn some fat while you're waiting to do another cycle.

El Mucho
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As far as the gyno goes, you should get some Arimidex,aromasin, or a low dose of Letrozole to bridge until your next cycle. That will help alleviate the gyno and keep your Testosterone levels high. Now that you know you're prone to getting gyno from Test, then you know you should definitely be using an AI during your next cycle. Actually, stay away from the letro unless the gyno is really bad. Letrozole is pretty harsh, especially if you use it without a high amount of Testosterone.

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Mucho love. Thanks for the honest and NON bashing advice! Much appreciated.
seeing as you are so willing to help. Where do I find how much to take of HCG? when to take it?.... I've been reading and pretty sure I want to add it to my next cycle which will be tbols at 30mg/day. sust 250 @ once per week., armidex 1mg every other day, proviron 25mg/day. Anything I should take away or do in different moderation?

El Mucho
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Weeks 1-10: 400mg Test Cyp (200mg twice a week, Mon. + Thurs.)
Weeks 6-12: 30-50mg Tbol (ed)
Weeks 1-12: 1000iu HCG (500iu on same days as Test Cyp shots)
Weeks 1-12: .5-1mg Arimidex (M, W, F or every other day)

Weeks 13-17: 100mg Clomid (ed)
Weeks 13-19: 12.5-25mg Aromasin (ed)
Weeks 13-20: Clen or Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin (ed, everyone uses different doses based on personal preference)

That would be a very nice little cycle. You can replace the Test Cyp with sust250'>sustanon and just take .5ml of Sust. twice a week instead. Sustanon is best when used every day or every other day, but using a low amount of it like 250mg shouldn't give you too much of a problem. I'm guessing that your goal is to make gradual and solid gains. You could make some very big gains off of a cycle like this and Test Cyp tends to make my strength shoot through the roof more than any other Test. You could replace the Arimidex with 25-50mg of Proviron for even more strength too.

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WELL WELL There are stil some guys out there on here that are willing to give non bashing assistance.? Thanks Mucho! You would suggest or say that I could for-go the arimidex while on cycle and put in it's place proviron.? at 50mg/day? I think I will stick with the test cyp as it is less likely to cause gyno problems (which I obviously have already)... Converts to DHT. Does it convert high or moderately? I tried to find info on DHT conversion and negatives and positives but could'nt find any anywhere other than the typical hairloss problems..?? Thanks again for the advice and help. It's not like I have never done a cycle before or don't use my spare time educating myself but everyone has different opinions about stuff and different advice, some is not always as clear as yours was. One other question before I sign off: At the end of the cycle PCT you suggested aromastin?? Alot of debate on that one is there not? Is aromasin better than or more widely advised as apposed to nolva or....??
