Non Converting Horm...
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Non Converting Hormones?

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I have long been a scientific enigma but my frustration continues. When I first started HRT about 5 years ago I did amazing. Then I stopped and when I went back on horror ensued. My body wants to turn everything into estrogen. My DHEA, andro and other male hormones are in the toilet. I have tried DHEA in about 6 different preparations and its a MAJOR no go. Even in minute amounts my body falls into estrogen chaos within days. Since this is a mostly male audience I will spare you the gruesome details. While I haven't tried test in about 3 years when I did prior the doc kept increasing the amounts to what was actually quite high and my levels didn't move a bit. I cannot lose weight or gain muscle mass to save my life at this point and it would be nice to have some version of a sex drive. Of course there are other issues like low bp, muscle pain, headaches etc. Of course the obvious thought would be anti e's. I have yet to find a doc willing to go that route. Any ideas on something that could normalize my levels without conversion? And 7-keto I've decided is a farce because the result was exactly the same.

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Have you thought about var?

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I've considered it, but too expensive at the moment and I'm trying to keep legal.

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hmm, this is a more difficult issue if you are trying to keep legal. have you had any hormone blood tests to determinewhat exactly is going on? dhea levels, test, estro? not sure why you cannot find a doc that will prescribe test with your hrt along with an ai.

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Posted by: jboldman
hmm, this is a more difficult issue if you are trying to keep legal. have you had any hormone blood tests to determinewhat exactly is going on? dhea levels, test, estro? not sure why you cannot find a doc that will prescribe test with your hrt along with an ai.

I would agree that your best bet is to try to get help through a doc. I doubt anything OTC is going to be of any aid.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
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"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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Posted by: Bellina
I've considered it, but too expensive at the moment and I'm trying to keep legal.

no idea WHY it's happening. i think the laws in AZ have something to do with the attitude of docs. seems docs here are scared of hrt hence why i ended up going out of state to deal with renami but they sucked. i don't have health insurance that will cover it now and since i am not working it limits me. below are the results followed by the ref range. i didn't include adrenal or female hormones.

test 9.3 rr 4-18
androsteniodone 8.8 rr 15-147
dhea 57 rr 20-1139
androstentriol 84 rr 40-540
androsterone 964 rr 373-3414
11b-oh-androsterone 505 rr 201-1413
etiocholanolone 1217 rr 450-2910
11b-oh-etiocholanolone 328 rr 33-813

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what are you taking for hrt?

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Posted by: jboldman
what are you taking for hrt?

right now nothing. haven't been on hrt for a couple years. just taking my thyroid and adrenal meds. i went off gradually when i lost health insurance. but it wasn't working anyway for some reason. i was on hgh, dhea and test (cream) at that time. the HGH helped to keep my weight down and helped with muscle soreness but over time i ended up having issues with being hypoglycemic constantly. and the test and dhea kept converting. my body freaks out on hormones like progesterone and pregnelone.

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your test levels are within range, i know you would like to stay legal but would an anti-e be stretching it? taking an anti-e would increase your test levels and decrease your estro. pm me if you think this would be worth a try


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Posted by: jboldman
your test levels are within range, i know you would like to stay legal but would an anti-e be stretching it? taking an anti-e would increase your test levels and decrease your estro. pm me if you think this would be worth a try


yes test levels are within range...just the andro is out and dhea super low.

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