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No rest for the wicked

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OK, I had a pretty bad experience with the start of my first planned test/EQ cycle and stopped after the first dose due to pain (from the prop), and then totally riding like shit.

One thing I didn't mention was that I could not sleep at all (or rather slept very poorly), despite using ketofin and Valerian root (which normally knocks me out for 10hrs). I did some more research and notice several folks attributing poor sleep to the EQ. I am very sensitive to sleep, and I feel that most likely my experience was due to lack of sleep as a side effect, rather than caused by EQ/Prop.

Does that seem like the most likely explanation for my experience?

I also have some Mast-e that I was planning to try after the EQ cycle, but assuming the EQ is not an option for me because of sleep disruption I will not use it again.

Has anyone experienced sleep difficulty with masteron? Anyone experience trouble sleeping from test alone?

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Yes, I had big problems for about 3 weeks until my body got used to Test alone. You might remember, I posted about it back in Feb at the start of my cycle.

I haven't talked to that many people who've had the same effect, but there are some who are sinsative I guess. By week 3 I was doing a lot better but the first 2 weeks were hell.

I don't know anything about the other stuff so I can't give an answer there. After the first week of almost NO sleep, I started taking a sleep aid but was able to stop after about a week and a half. I'm good now.

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Not sleeping is not an option... if I can't sleep I will be better without it.
I went from riding as a very competitive local Master (C1/2) to a level that would have gotten me dropped in a C5 race. Perhaps the best thing for me would just be some clomid after hard training to boost my own endogenous production?

Just for shits and giggles I went ahead and shot 40mg of prop again last night, and will continue EoD through the week... if by the end of the week I can't sleep, test is out as an option.

Next I will try just EQ alone... if I still can't sleep, I will try the Masteron... if I still can't sleep, I will go back to Cytomax and Cliff bars, as I ride at a pretty competitive level with that already (and can Sleep!).

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If I don't sleep well I also have shity races, especially as I get older. Maybe you're blocking yourself up w/the shots. When are you injecting?

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EQ makes me sweat through the sheets, pretty vivid dreams too.

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I sweat like crazy too the first 2 weeks on the Test.

Dude, if a sleep aid will do the trick, for me at least, it would be worth it to stay on the Test. I've seen some huge strength gains and good endurance too. But it's not the same for everyoine I guess.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do bro.

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Re: No rest for the wicked

Posted by: Coppi
OK, I had a pretty bad experience with the start of my first planned test/EQ cycle and stopped after the first dose due to pain (from the prop), and then totally riding like shit.

One thing I didn't mention was that I could not sleep at all (or rather slept very poorly), despite using ketofin and Valerian root (which normally knocks me out for 10hrs). I did some more research and notice several folks attributing poor sleep to the EQ. I am very sensitive to sleep, and I feel that most likely my experience was due to lack of sleep as a side effect, rather than caused by EQ/Prop.

Does that seem like the most likely explanation for my experience?

I also have some Mast-e that I was planning to try after the EQ cycle, but assuming the EQ is not an option for me because of sleep disruption I will not use it again.

Has anyone experienced sleep difficulty with Masteron? Anyone experience trouble sleeping from test alone?

It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that one dose of Equipoise will cause sleeplessness/restlessness.


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Re: Re: No rest for the wicked

Posted by: Wheelies
It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that one dose of Equipoise will cause sleeplessness/restlessness.


So you think it was only the prop?

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Anxiety from the your first cycle or the pain in the ass from the prop may be more likely the cause of your sleeplessness.

I have yet to see a post on prop causing sleeplessness. Eq did affect my sleep a few nights but that was at 500mg/wk. This did not happen very often and did not take place until late in the cycle (from memory).


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I should also mention, this is my first time on Test. Sorry for failing to mention that earlier. Never injected before.

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Posted by: Wheelies
Anxiety from the your first cycle or the pain in the ass from the prop may be more likely the cause of your sleeplessness.

I have yet to see a post on prop causing sleeplessness. Eq did affect my sleep a few nights but that was at 500mg/wk. This did not happen very often and did not take place until late in the cycle (from memory).


Trust me there was no anxiety� and the pain from the prop did not cause me to lose sleep. My brain would not shut down, and when I finally did fall asleep I could not stay that way for long. I definitely rode worse than I would have hungover, and I am not exaggerating� it was the worst ride of my life�

Could there be some kind of interaction with the Keto and Albuterol I have been taking? Nothing changed WRT to diet, schedule, training, or anything else. I could not sleep even with sleeping aids, and when it came time to put the hammer down, my body totally refused in a way I have never experienced. I know I am only N=1 but the sides I experienced are way greater than any benefit I may be yet to receive. I will continue the low (lower now, 40mg EoD) dose prop, but not stacked with anything else to try an isolate whether it is the prop or the EQ, or the combination that totally f*cked my performance on the bike, and is ruining my sleep.

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just a thought, drop the Albuterol.


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Posted by: jboldman
just a thought, drop the Albuterol.


Well I didn�t mention my protocol for using the Albuterol, is only during training ( not racing) on the bike, and is always done early in the morning. I followed my normal routine taking two days off the bike , and then an easy spin the day before (no Albuterol)� and have taken none since day of the first injection.

Do you suggest stopping it because of issues it may cause with sleep (never had problem before), or because there could be some kind of interaction with the AAS?

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classic example of too many factors.

It seems you are on 5 things at the same time and don't know whtat the hell is causing the problem.

Drop everything and do onyl one thing at a time.

Only way to figure out what's going on I'm afraid.

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Albuterol is a stimulant hence the connection with lack of sleep. if you have not takenany in days, it should not be a factor. imsomnia is a common side effect of steroid use but usually a very minor one at low doses. try a benedryl or chlortrimeton 20 min prior to bedtime and see if that helps.

