NO GAINS!!!!!!!!!wh...
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NO GAINS!!!!!!!!!whats up

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okay.....ive spent alot of$$$ over the past few months..and have only made minimal gains ive used alot of test (cyp enanthate and sustanon, d bol EQ and deca) ithink a small amount of my deca was fake, but the rest, im 99% sure was legit....ive gained maybe 8-10 35 yrs old and used ALOT of stuff in my early-mid 20s and made great gains then,,,,how come the gains are so hard to come by now? im eating a tonne of protein every day as well. most of the stuff ive used has been qv...i also used karachi sus DAILY for six weeks and still no results......what could the problem be

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1. Fake stuff 2. Not training right for AAS 3. Not enough calories 4. Not enough sleep Give us some more details like your routine, diet, cycle, even previous cycles.

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if the stuff was legit, then diet is prolly the next most likely area to look at... steroids accentuate ur diet, if that is off, all the juice in the world arent gonna help u

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I'm 99.9% sure your problem is diet. If you were eating enough to gain, but you had fake gear or weren't training properly, I would expect you to be gaining fat. If you aren't gaining weight, the calories just aren't there. Anytime someone tells me "I'm eating a ton of protein" it tells me that they haven't actuallu taken the time to count their calories and see how much they are really taking in. Bear in mind too that once you have made some gains, your BMR goes up (because of added muscle) so the diet that worked to get you there may be inadequate.

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Very strange. Like everyone else said probably diet. But before we can say for sure post some more info. 250mg of karachi a day should put size on anyone!

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is your 10 pounds you put on lean muscle?If its lean muscle that ain't too bad.But its probaly not enough cals. timba

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i would say your gear was bunk if i had to guess. the pope would grow from that much gear bro, even if he didnt eat anything.

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Originally posted by BigKev i would say your gear was bunk if i had to guess. the pope would grow from that much gear bro, even if he didnt eat anything. I agree. If you had used 7 amps of testoviron a week you would have put on 30lbs in 6 weeks easily

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Are you doing any cardio? Biking, running, swimming, kayaking, etc... I cut cardio out when I'm trying to gain weight and use cardio again on my cutting cycle because it's hard to take in more than I burn if I'm going balls to the wall lifting and throw in any cardio.

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You might be eating a boat load of protein but are u getting enough calories. Contrary to popular opinion, in addition to increased protein, i had to increase my fats and carbs to gain good on cycle.

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if you have done it before you should know if it was real. If your taking good stuff you will know your gains will be there.

Just a Pilgrim
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The answer is most likely calories. I realise it's been mentioned above. However you have to look at your total spread of calories throughout the day. Carbs are more important than protein when it comes to putting on weight. You have to look at how many calories you are eating, and add from there. This is basic stuff but shoot for around 1.25-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and make that 30-35% of your total daily calories. Then add the carbs, 50-60% of your daily calories, and fat the rest. That to me is the best way to work out your daily calorie needs, and then make adjustments from there.

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Originally posted by BigKev i would say your gear was bunk if i had to guess. the pope would grow from that much gear bro, even if he didnt eat anything. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
