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Newbie Questions R.E. Stanabol usage etc.

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I'm 24, 6'3, 190 lbs, regular gym goer, swimmer and soccer player.

Not into serious body building, as yet (as you can tell), but like keeping fit and strong. Have used the usual - creatine, whey protein etc - as supplements to a high protein diet.

Anyway, after doing a bit of online research, I am considering trying some Oral Stanozolol to assist with strength, vigor and definition.

I understand that Stanabol/winny has a relatively low side effect profile, and can help, with the right nutrition, in making some reasonable and sustainable, but not exactly dramatic muscular gains?

Though I also understand it's pretty harsh on your liver, and that you shouldn't take it for more than 6 weeks at a time, with a (recommended) max dosage of 50mg a day.

On this basis, if you wanted to continue using it, how long should you allow for a break? e.g. 2 weeks?

Taking into account my needs and expectations, would this seem like a reasonable choice/plan for my first time usage of an AAS?


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turanabol or t-bol is a better choice in my opinion. it has very low rate of side effects, no estrogen conversion. winny has a tendency to dry out your joints making you suseptable to joint injuries if you are not careful. T-bol is effective at doses ranging from 40-60 mg/day and the gains are well maintained off-cycle. Again cycles should not last longer than 4-6 wks due to liver toxicity as this applies to most orals. T-bol is my choice along with a moderate dose of test, namely test enathate at 500 mg per wk for 10-12 wks. You will get excellent strength and muscle gains with this combination and if your carbs are moderate and saturated fats are low you will not get fat, you will just gain lean mass.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Posted by: gustavo77
turanabol or t-bol is a better choice in my has very low rate of side effects, no estrogen conversion.Winny has a tendency to dry out your joints making you suseptable to joint injuries if you are not careful.T-bol is effective at doses ranging from 40-60 mg/day and the gains are well maintained off-cycle.Again cycles should not last longer than 4-6 wks due to liver toxicity as this applies to most orals.T-bol is my choice along with a moderate dose of test, namely test enathate at 500 mg per wk for 10-12 wks.You will get excellent strength and muscle gains with this combination and if your carbs are moderate and saturated fats are low you will not get fat, you will just gain lean mass.

Ok, after doing a little more reading up, I'm thinking Turanabol might be a better choice too.

How many times a day do you take it (10mg tabs I assume)? And what time frame do you leave in-between 4-6 week cycles?


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Your only 190 lbs at 6'3", you need some test, its not gonna bloat you or get you fat as long as your diets clean. But that doesn't mean not to eat a lot of clean food. Go with gustavo's recomendation and fill out that huge frame of yours.

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As far as dosing I believe that 10 mg spaced 2-4 hours apart during the day with meals, totally 40-60mg would be fine. If you choose to take 60mg, just take 10 mg with each of your six meals per day. As far as test enathate take 1-250/ml injection on each Mon and Thurs, or you can take 1 injection every 3 days, like I do. Either way your blood levels will be stable with this regiment.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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As far as time between cycles time on=time off not including P.C.T (post cycle therapy) which you should read up on (there is extensive info on this board) So do the Test-Enth'>test e for 10-12 and the t-bol 4-6 wks, and then pct, read up on it, it is vital to keeping your gains and hormone recovery...

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Posted by: gtj220
Your only 190 lbs at 6'3", you need some test, its not gonna bloat you or get you fat as long as your diets clean. But that doesn't mean not to eat a lot of clean food. Go with gustavo's recomendation and fill out that huge frame of yours.

Thanks for the replys.

Well, like I said, I'm more into aerobic activities/sports I guess. You don't see many freestyle swimmers, or soccer players built like tanks.. not that (sadly) I am good enough at either to be a pro.

I'm only 24, and of medium build at most. I'm sure I haven't reached my potential, as far as muscular gains go, following non AAS regimes. Not to mention that I don't like needles, still live at home, have a nosy mother and an even nosier girlfriend.. both of whom would freak at the site of injectables. Illogical for all concerned I know.

Anyway, I suppose suggesting that I tried taking (to supplement the T-Bol), say, 8 caps of Andriol a day (sourced at $25 for 30 40mg caps), an Androgel/TestoGel preparation, or a Tribulus Terrestris Stack instead, wouldn't exactly produce a very enthusiastic response here hey?

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use D-bol, cheaper and better than andriol. Put you pills in vitamin bottles or something. Thats just my opinion. Good luck Bro!

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Just do my cycle bro. I'm doing a Test Prop and Tbol cycle...lean mass gains nothing to dramatic but you can def tell a difference in your physique I have people asking me if I'm on. No water weight and strength is through the roof bro...hit me a PM if you want my exact cycle...It's also posted around the boards too..

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Posted by: gtj220
use d-bol, cheaper and better than andriol. Put you pills in vitamin bottles or something. Thats just my opinion. Good luck Bro!

How do you manage the side effects of Dianabol? I'm thinking that if I'm taking the t-bol, It would be better to take some test with it (in whatever form), rather than another synthesized steroid?
