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I'm 52 years old and currently see an anti-aging doctor - - every two weeks I take 12 iu of HGH combined with 8000u of HCG (25ml per day under the skin) - current blood test result (a/o 7/28) were as follows

igf-1 296 ng/mL
estradiol 28 pg/mL
dhea sulfate 533 mcg/dL
total Testosterone 608 ng/dL
free testosterone 86.8 pg/mL

The doctor increased the hcg from 6000u to 8000u per two weeks to get the testosterone levels a little higher

Currently I go to the gym 5 days per week and uaually doe between 45-60 miunutes of weights and 30-35 minutes of cardio

My question is what would be the safest stack to take that would give me added strength and size - I'm thinking trenbolone acetate

Your opinions are appreciated

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I would stongly advise you not to use tren if you have never used steroids before. More info is needed before anyone can give you advise on what to use. I'm assuming you have never cycled before, if that's the case you should stick to a test only cycle.

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Tren is not safe nor is it mild i wouldnt reccomend it imho. First size is built from the food you eat not the supps you take. Secondly, I would recommend a safer less harsh cycle like EQ/ Test enth for 12 weeks.

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If your doctor is concerned about your test levels, then have him or her prescribe some test for you as TRT 250mgs every two weeks would work well. I would do that before cycling.


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this is what another site says about trenbolone

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OK for one, you havent posted your stats, history, etc. Two, if you havent run AAS before like allready mentioned Tren is NOT a wise choice for your first gear to try. It will shut you down very harsh, and the sides are very pronoucned. If you doctor is worried baout raising your natty test levels why run something so harsh it shuts you down completely. Yes it adds size and strength but so do other things and since your a NEWB i as well as other wouldnt reccomend it. Some ppl cant even run Tren due to the sides.

Do MUCH more research so you dont get hurt. Also, your DIET is what dictates how you look, the size you put on, and affect your strength. AAS is a supplement so it supplements everything you should be doing allready.

I would even recommend the TRT test cycle that was recommended above, but def not Tren.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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Bro, tren is not a drug for a newb to be fucking around with. It can have harsh sides. Listen to the members on this board, they'll all tell you the same thing. Stick with test and maybe something like EQ.

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stay away from tren bro its not a begginner aas,stick with test/deca or test/eq or test on its own for first couple cycles too see how you react to gear.the guys are giving you good advice here so use it wisely!!!


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I can't speak to the gear use as I haven't started yet.

However bumping the TRT comments - good stuff. I was put on this about a month and a half ago. Now I'm getting the results in the gym that I've been working for so hard and haven't been getting for the last couple of years. It's like the teen aged growth spurt all over again. I feel like superman.

When you go from an abnormally low test level to a normal one - the results are simply amazing. I can't imagaine what it's going to be like when the time comes for the two cycles a year I've got planned.

Take it easy, one step at a time man. Get normal first - then when you body is ready and adapted to that - go for superhuman...and do that in small increments too, just enough to keep getting better and better as you get older instead of slipping away.

The huge cycles that some of the successful folks use - they seem to belong in the realm of those who have used for a while and built up to them.

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I will also say Tren is not a good starter. As the others have said, there are some nasty sides. Such as:

Painful injections for many
You must inject often, every couple days
I get crazy ass thoughts
Possible flu, slight fever and tired

If you are going to do it, Deca and Test all the way.
